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93 kWhs
Joined: Oct 19, 2021
Last seen: Dec 1, 2022
Topics: 2 / Replies: 95
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

Have you got meters installed that monitor usage and delivery? Known as MMSP Metering and Monitoring Service Package. Or access to the MelCloud app?

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

In a word, no!. Although on the FTC zone 1 is for UFH and zone 2 is for rads, I don't understand the relationship to the actual zoning throughout the ...

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

@sand From you own personal experience I would recommend that in order to use the weather compensation correctly you should turn all your thermostat...

3 years ago
RE: Kev-M's ASHP Performance

I did a similar experiment but using a 50ºC flow. That used 930kWh over 30 days vs 855kWh using the compensation curve. Both 30 day periods had an ave...

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

Yes but if you are only using weather compensation you don't need any internal thermostats or thermistors. (apart from using them to tell you what the...

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

It is becoming apparent that weather compensation being a slope and not a curve does have its issues. e.g. with my current slope I get 30ºC flow when ...

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

You don't need either. To use weather compensation you just need to set the FTC to curve mode and set your initial curve settings.This will manage the...

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

@morgan If you're only wanting weather compensation and not auto adaptation you don't need the additional wireless FTC.

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

It appears to be the common practice yes. For Mitsubishi ASHPs, if you want to use auto adaptation the options are:1. Move the FTC controller 2. Wir...

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

That's exactly it. Weather compensation uses the external thermistor whereas auto adaptation uses both the external thermistor and the internal thermi...

3 years ago
RE: 11.2kW Ecodan in 182sqm property

Hi @sand Your pipework and setup seem very similar to mine. Red pump in 4th pic is the pump that pushes hot water around all your heating system. ...

3 years ago
RE: Fine tuning your ASHP performance

I'm assuming by external you mean external to the ASHP, not outside in the fresh air. 1. I have 4 internal thermostats (Heatmiser and Nest) and they...

3 years ago
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