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Reputable Member
1458 kWhs
Joined: Dec 11, 2021
Last seen: Jan 27, 2025
Topics: 11 / Replies: 155
RE: General advice on ASHP please

@derek-m I'm very interested to see you've said that, it confirms my thoughts about where to spend to improve our property to reduce heat loss. I've b...

3 years ago
RE: General advice on ASHP please

@freezingeastsussex We didn't have radiators before getting the heat pump, so we have everything new. Radiators are mostly doubles, the pipework is 28...

3 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

@balalto Can you give an idea of the kind of cost of your battery ? Do you think there's any point getting battery without PV or is that just daft ?

3 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

I'm with OVO, I've been happy with them for years. I'm not into all this shopping around for the cheapest deal. It hasn't worked out for those compani...

3 years ago
RE: Electricity price predictions

I've just signed up for 30.78p /kWh for 1 year from end of Feb. Just going to have to wear even more clothes ! I'm with OVO

3 years ago
RE: What is this and what does it do?

Wow @derek-m Thanks for all that !! So the system does alter the water flowrate to achieve the specified delta T ?

3 years ago
RE: ASHP in cold well

@derek-m No smoke today but I've been monitoring the temperatures at the outdoor unit and comparing to well away from it as you suggested, they are ge...

3 years ago
RE: What is this and what does it do?

Thanks @prunus - it's a Daikin split low temp EHBH08EA6V indoors ERGA06EAV3 outdoors. That does make sense, but when the pump is running the differenc...

3 years ago
RE: What is this and what does it do?

Hi @derek-m and everyone. Can I re-ask the hysteresis / flow question again as it's got buried under the recent other stuff !

3 years ago
RE: What is this and what does it do?

I have a new What's it all about? question for you. I believe the difference in temperature (is it the hysteresis ?) between the Leaving water and t...

3 years ago
RE: Considering an ASHP for my 2 bed bungalow

@georgia I'm finding that my ASHP works well keeping the house warm (I've not had it over the cold winter months yet), but I'm running it 24 hours a ...

3 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan 14kW ASHP costing £450-£550 per month to run

Derek - you are absolutely NOT wasting your time ! Please keep helping us make our systems more efficient and we will get our energy usage down. Agree...

3 years ago
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