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Ecdon Third party Thermostat Issues

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Hi All,


I'm hoping someone might be able to help.


I'm currently having an issue where the heating is coming on downstairs even though the thermostats aren't calling for any heat.

I'm running the system on weather compensation mode and have two zones (with two thermostats downstairs (Zone 2 for some reason) and one upstairs (Zone 1, im assuming). They are thrid party thermostats. How do i get the system to talk with the thermostats because it seems at the moment, it doesn't at all. The only way i can turn the heating off at the moment is to force it off on the main control panel. 

This topic was modified 2 years ago by adam_colwell

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Posted by: @adam_colwell

Hi All,


I'm hoping someone might be able to help.


I'm currently having an issue where the heating is coming on downstairs even though the thermostats aren't calling for any heat.

I'm running the system on weather compensation mode and have two zones (with two thermostats downstairs (Zone 2 for some reason) and one upstairs (Zone 1, im assuming). They are thrid party thermostats. How do i get the system to talk with the thermostats because it seems at the moment, it doesn't at all. The only way i can turn the heating off at the moment is to force it off on the main control panel. 


Have they ever worked?  For 3rd party controllers to work with the Ecodan they need to be working and with good batteries, connected to the FTC and communicating with the controllers,dip switches have to be set correctly and the control panel has to be set to make the zones respond to the signal from a 3rd party controller.  So there are a few things to go wrong. 

If they have ever worked, has anything changed?


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@kev-m Hi Kev,


So they are wired thermostats, the room sensor settings are set for Main RC. I'm not 100% they have ever worked because we moved into the property in May (its a new build). I got Mitsubishi out to have a look at it and they just said the room sensor settings were incorrect and they changed them to Main RC from TH1. It seemed to fix the issues but since Sunday last week, the heating has just come on by itself again, the room sensor settings are still showing Main RC though.


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Posted by: @adam_colwell

Hi All,


I'm hoping someone might be able to help.


I'm currently having an issue where the heating is coming on downstairs even though the thermostats aren't calling for any heat.

I'm running the system on weather compensation mode and have two zones (with two thermostats downstairs (Zone 2 for some reason) and one upstairs (Zone 1, im assuming). They are thrid party thermostats. How do i get the system to talk with the thermostats because it seems at the moment, it doesn't at all. The only way i can turn the heating off at the moment is to force it off on the main control panel. 

What are the settings of your weather compensation, since that may determine when it is necessary for your heat pump to operate.


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@derek-m so here is how the weather compensation curve is set, I dunno if that helps.

20230806 154301
20230806 154246
20230806 154238

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Posted by: @adam_colwell

@derek-m so here is how the weather compensation curve is set, I dunno if that helps.

20230806 154301
20230806 154246
20230806 154238

In what part of the country are you located?

The Weather Compensation (WC) settings need to match the heat loss characteristics of your home. From the supplied photo's it would appear that your system is set for a Leaving Water Temperature (LWT) of 50C at an Outside Air Temperature (OAT) of -15C, reducing to a LWT of 25C at an OAT of 35C. I doubt that these settings match the heat loss characteristics of your home.

I would suggest that you change the warmer OAT setting to a LWT of 25C at an OAT of 20C. As Kev will no doubt confirm, correctly adjusting the WC curve can be a time consuming process.

With regard to the two thermostats, try turning them both down to a setting of 15C, which should cause the heat pump to stop if they are correctly wired and configured. Then turn each in turn up to say 30C and see if the heat pump is started. Do this test before adjusting the WC settings.


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@derek-m so I'm mid wales, about 259 meters above sea level. The thermostats have been on 15c the whole time and it doesn't stop it from coming on unfortunately.

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If the thermostat have been wired incorrectly, is a hard job to fix? 

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Posted by: @adam_colwell

@derek-m so I'm mid wales, about 259 meters above sea level. The thermostats have been on 15c the whole time and it doesn't stop it from coming on unfortunately.

Okay, try changing the WC settings to see if that has any affect.

Please provide more details of how frequently your heat pump operates and for how long. Also note the OAT and indoor temperature at the time.



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Posted by: @adam_colwell

If the thermostat have been wired incorrectly, is a hard job to fix? 

It is quite some time since I explored the delights of the Ecodan manual, but I think that Kev is correct that there may be DIP switch settings that need to be made or that equipment may need to be enabled. I would suggest that you have a look through the 'installer settings' to see if any changes need to be made.


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Posted by: @adam_colwell

If the thermostat have been wired incorrectly, is a hard job to fix? 

First of all, controlling a heat pump using thermostats is not the most efficient way, ideally thermostats should only be used as over-temperature limiters.

Most of the forums members appear to use either WC or Auto Adaptation control.

Has your heat pump started operating since the cooler weather arrived, in which case it may be necessary? Where is your FTC 6 controller located?


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  I've changed the WC to this and it's turned off. I've turned the thermostat up to 30 and it hasn't turned the heating on. So I think the thermostat has been wired incorrectly.


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