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Looking for recommendations on solar PV installers in Scotland near Edinburgh

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I am interested in getting solar PV. If you know any company that you would recommend please get in touch!

Thanks !


16kw Samsung TDM ASHP. 8.4kw PV, power optimizers 20×420watt panels 6kw SolarEdge inverter.

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I would recommend RB Grant. Installation was in April 2018 it went smoothly and the price was competitive for a 4kw system. I regret not getting a 6kw+ system as I feel that would have been more beneficial for battery storage and for higher generation in the winter.

Mars and Mars reacted
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1122 kWhs
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@prjohn thanks very much!

16kw Samsung TDM ASHP. 8.4kw PV, power optimizers 20×420watt panels 6kw SolarEdge inverter.



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