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Illustrious Member Admin
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Good news guys. Recaptcha has been removed for registered users 😀 

I googled the being logged out thing and it appears to be a cookie related matter pertaining to browsers. I don’t get logged out very often at all. I’ll continue to do some reading and if there’s a fix we’ll implement it. 

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Posted by: @transparent

So what we need @mjr is a 'virtual robot app' on your PC which detects the recaptcha pop-up, moves the pointer to the box and mimics left-click on the mouse...

That surely can't be very difficult to implement, can it? 😎 

I could of course program such a robot because I do for my work, to extract data from websites whose developers didn't bother to give their users an "export" function, but I very rarely get away with just one click. I think Google can probably tell that I'm using accessibility tools to compensate for my eyesight and privacy settings to keep their nose out of my browser, so it punishes me with the full eye test almost every time. Of course, if I was unethical, I could just pay one of those captcha-solving farms that hire low-pay workers or one that gets fools using dodgy web sites to solve them for you, but that would still leave all other audiovisually-impaired users stuck.

Posted by: @editor

Good news guys. Recaptcha has been removed for registered users 😀 

Yippee! Hopefully there's some way for people still shut out to contact you to register.


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We are giving away two Eve Thermo TRVs in conjunction with Eve. The giveaway starts today at 12pm. Good luck.

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We’ve updated our forum software to the latest version which comes with a new, cleaner front end. There may be a few bugs, and we’ll continue to run updates, so bear with us. Enjoy.

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We’ve added a new feature to the forums: polls.

When starting a new topic, you can now add a poll that forum users can vote on. 

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It's a shame that 'feature' of automatically going to the last post in a thread can't be fixed.  Being required to scroll back to find the last unread post is tedious.

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.

Illustrious Member Admin
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@Morgan, that feature is activated and it is working for me. I always get taken to the last unread post. Is anyone else not being taken to the last unread post?

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I'm getting taken to the last unread post...

... but I rarely need the feature because I tend to read soon after someone posts. Perhaps I need to get out a bit more. 😪 

The 'feature' I'd like is to be taken to the bottom of the previous page when I click the Prev button. I get taken to the top of the preceding page and must then scroll down to read the previous post.

That might not be easy to resolve. But it would matter less if each page had a Go to bottom button at the top.

This post was modified 2 years ago by Transparent

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Have posts been removed from this thread by an update? I had a notification about it, but the post linked is not here.


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You may have noticed that the site was down for an hour this evening as a result of an issue that our web hosts were experiencing. In future, if you see a screen that looks like one below, it’s a hosting problem and I get an immediate notification that the site is down and I contact the hosts to sort it out. This is only the second time in two years this has happened, so it shouldn’t be a problem face often.

4219D832 C059 47B1 9E05 24BB92B9F3F9


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For those members that haven't updated their profiles yet, we would like to encourage you to do so because it makes it easier for people to get a bit more understanding about who you are and what your background is. It doesn't have to be hugely personal.

Please also feel free to add a signature to your profile that's displayed underneath your posts.

And lastly, please upload an avatar – it just makes it easier to identify users on the forums. It doesn't have to be a photo of yourself if you don't want to disclose your identity – @transparent, for example, has a duck and it's instantly recognisable that he's posted. 

To update your profile, click on the little gear/cog on the right hand sidebar (located under the advert) and the word "member". You must be signed in to see this. 

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Posted by: @editor

Please also feel free to add a signature to your profile that's displayed underneath your posts.

Please, keep your signatures short, such as your name (a sort of signature). It is not great for speech synth users visiting these forums to have the same long block of irrelevant stuff read out at the end of every post you make. Keep the longer descriptions of your heating setup on your profile: those who want to know can click through.

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