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Weather comp and set back?

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So quick background..  I have an Ecodan 14kw, a 250sqm old house. FTC5. 

Working well but keen to optimise. 

We’ve been running in Weather Comp but with Tado room stats calling for heat (Rads upstairs, mix of UFH/Rads down)


I understand using the Tado stats isn’t great and we’re best trying  to just use weather comp and tweaking until we get the best room temp. Perhaps set the stats +2c in case of solar gain or the log burner being on, but to turn off only (not call for heat)


My current lack of knowledge is around doing an overnight setback. Obviously we could easily do this with the Tado but it seems like what we SHOUlD be doing is reducing the WC curve by say 3c so it runs cooler overnight and therefore room temps go down. Otherwise we’re keeping the flow temp higher than it needs to be for no reason. 

I can’t see anyway on the FTC5 to reduce the WC on a timer. It’s either on or off. I could fiddle with the +/- before bed/in the morning but I don’t like manual interventions!


Any ideas? Sorry if this has been covered before, couldn’t see anything from a search. 

250sqm house. 30kWh Sunsynk/Pylontech battery system. 14kWp solar. Ecodan 14kW. BMW iX.

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I have almost the same set up as you and have got weather comp working just about spot on with little intervention from the thermostats. I just use the FTC timer to switch the heating off between 12-5am.  It has a similar effect as setting back. It doesn't make a huge difference to energy used though; see below (red dots are heating off 12-5).  The problem is that you're asking the ASHP to work hardest when it's coldest (i.e. at 5am).

I agree it's a shame the FTC doesn't allow weather comp adjustments on a timer.    


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This post was modified 3 years ago by Kev M

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if you talk to tado they may be able to use the digital interface..which would make everything work in harmony..


you would need the EU extension kit though


THE uK extension kit is dumbed down for the UK



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20221209 102904
20221209 102912

I agree a WC / flow  timer would be good I would defo be reducing flow tonight with a  forcast of -4 .

We do temp set backs on the timer, for each zone, the manual isn't very clear on setbacks. 



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