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New Mitsubishi system, several concerns but just a newbie…..

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@carpenterstation happy to try and help but can you post screen shots of what you have set in the timer menus.  Assume you realised there are 2 seasons that you have to set up?

The heating and hot water should display the timer symbol next to them if they set to use the schedule.  

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Just checked the schedule timer some photos all taken at the same time


IMG 0522
IMG 0524
IMG 0523
IMG 0525


it looks like schedule1 is set Jan to Dec and schedule 2 is inactive - but both schedules are set per image 3.

image 1 shows current state - water at 35degrees I think. Nothing calling for heat. So why is the system pumping? Image 4 (now 18:00 and Elex is 35p per kWh plus vat)? 

I’d appreciate any help but short of putting a timeswitch on the whole system I seem powerless to stop it needlessly operating?

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And here is the solar tracker showing that I am burning 4kw - that can only be the heat pump.

IMG 0526


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@carpenterstation  In the screenshot of the main controller the hot water temp is the 35C reading as you thought.

You have the clock symbol by the tap so that shows its using the schedule, it also has the square by it that shows its inactive which at 17.50 is correct per your schedule.

If the purple section in the solar chart is showing house usage of around 3-4kW between 5-6pm thats not due to the heat pump heating the hot water.

Under the tap symbol you have the house heating symbol, your system is set up for 2 zones.  Its displaying that zone 2 is paused but that doesn't mean that zone 1 wasn't running, if you flick it to zone 1 by pressing the button underneath the z1/z2 then it will change to display zone 1, if you have a play symbol then the heat pump is heating zone 1.

The other thing that is could be is that the immersion assuming you have one is heating the hot water is that something you can check? 

This post was modified 6 days ago by Gary

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This is exactly my point. There is literally nothing running in the house except a fridge freezer and the house is burning 4kw - and the heat pump is definitely ON even though it is not supposed to be. I have checked z2 and there is nothing loaded there. The immersion (if it was running) is only there for the legionella cycle, and it wouldn’t drive the pump (image 4). But as the hot water is not budging from 35 degrees it can’t be that either !! 

sorry but I am really confused. I seem to be spending money on nothing!

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Have you been outside and you can actually see the fan running on the heatpump?  

You said you have checked zone 2 was this a typo as it’s zone 1 you need to check.

if the fan is running turn off the main controller by holding down the power button and go and check the fan again.

Has it stopped?  Can you check that the power draw for the house is now back to normal.

I would some basic checks to prove it’s the heat pump running.  

i would also find the switch for the immersion and turn it off and check power draw again .


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@gary thanks very much Gary. I genuinely appreciate the help. I will try all that tomorrow at 18:00 ish again and will let you know.


thanks again.

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Got home from work today. Same scenario. Nothing calling for heat. One of the cascade pumps is running - again burning high cost electricity ? What for? Water isn’t heating? Rooms are above thermostat temp? UFH is not pumping ? So why is the unit burning electricity?

IMG 0528
IMG 0173

 You can see from picture 1 that the ASHP kicked in at 17:30 ( 16:00- 1900 is 35p / kWh and I really don’t want to consume electricity at this rate) pic 2 you can see that the unit on the right is whirring away. (Unit on the left is not running).


luckily it was sunny today so I have only used some of the battery rather than than import from the grid  - but I still need to know why it is running? I don’t think it was a defrost cycle. It’s 5 degrees outside - but it wasn’t doing much from about 16:00 - so I can’t imagine that it needed to defrost? 

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I think you need to get your installer back, something isn't set up correctly, you have ruled out all the obvious causes.

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