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Help! Issues with Ideal ASHP

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I have an Ideal ASHP and recently noticed that we hear a lot of water flowing noises from the hot water cylinder when the unit shouldn't be working.

The hot water has heated up, the fans are off on the outside unit and there is no call for heating, yet my system is pushing water out to the exterior unit and my CH2 pump is running all the time.

I also noted that the system is reporting an outdoor temperature of 25C when it is more likely to be around 14C.

Anyone have any ideas? I struggle with anxiety and this is driving me a bit potty.

Thanks in advance.

This topic was modified 2 months ago by Mars

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Welcome to the forums @wales1979. I raised this issue with Ideal on your behalf, and they believe the installer set up the system as a two-zone but left the link in for zone 2, causing the CH2 pump to run continuously. They advised calling the Ideal technical team for assistance. They can do a video call and reset the system. You can reach them at 01482 498278.

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@editor Much appreciated, will do exactly that.  An amazing website, very informative and I am learning a lot.

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The installers ended up making a call this morning and I offered this advice to them and indeed the engineer commissioning the system did add a second zone, so they rectified it in a few minutes. 

Hopefully I will have a more efficient system now.  The system has been in for 2 months and I guess that poor pump has been running for quite a significant amount of time.

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Follow up, the problem is back, pump is whirring away.  I think the installers still didn't remove the zone, having a look at the info screen I still see 2 zones.  I will call Ideal and hopefully they can resolve the problem.

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@wales1979 that would be the best call of action. Knowing how to do this yourself will empower you to take control of your system and monitor it. Bizarre how the commissioning team allowed this to happen in the first place. Once you’ve spoken to Ideal, maybe you can share a few photos and instructions on how to disable this second zone.

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@editor I certainly will do this as I cannot find any information online regarding the problem.

What it boiled down to was that the system was installed by one team, who quit the company just before commissioning the system.  A new chap came along to commission the system and was in a rush to say the least as he was pulled off another job, they even forgot to fill up the glycol and I only raised a query because I found an unopened drum.

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@wales1979 that's shocking. I would be sure to mention this to Ideal when you speak to them. It's just unacceptable and manufacturers must be informed of this unprofessional behaviour.

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