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Ecodan Wireless Remote Controller Model PAR- WT50R-E

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I am struggling to find a reliable Mitsubishi contractor here in the Algarve, but I have acquired a lot of knowledge on the forum and have vastly improved the performance of my ASHP Model PUHZ-SW120YHA, after a poor installation, so I am reasonably competent.

At some stage I would like to add the Ecodan Wireless Remote Controller and wonder if anyone has carried out their own installation of a PAR-WT50 and if so, could they outline any difficulties encountered.


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Yes,  I found none. I followed the Mitsubishi installation directions from their site and I found it quite straight forward.  

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@abernyte  Thank you for the information.

I know that there have been two or three members who have said how satisfied they are with the PAR-WT50, hence my posting this enquiry.

Then, over lunch today I sat down to watch Mars's YouTube discussion "Expert Tips for a Warm Cosy Home" where one of the experts (apologies for not remembering the name), related that he had found it totally useless and with no contradiction from the other two experts.

I am now far less convinced that this is the way to go!

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Perhaps Mars can shed some light on what he was talking about. I fail to see how a Mitsubishi device integrated with the Mitsubishi FTC as intended can be "useless". But, I am only a user, what do we know!

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I reached out to Rob for clarification on this. He mentioned that there may have been some confusion regarding the controller setup. Rob confirmed that he doesn’t actually have a wireless controller. Instead, he uses the FTC6 main UI, which he finds quite challenging to navigate and adjust.

He shared an example with me from just this past week, where he needed to update the hot water setpoint manually, only to realise the setpoint had somehow reset. Since the FTC6 UI can be tricky to operate without specific instructions, he had to turn to YouTube to find the relevant guidance.

He didn’t mean to imply that the Mitsubishi device itself is ineffective – just that the usability of the FTC6 can be a bit of a learning curve for those who aren’t trained in it.

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Mars, thank you for your further comment, but I remain confused.

As I understand it, Rob said that he had tried "Auto Adapt" (presumably using a Wireless Remote?) and that he had discarded "it" very quickly because it resulted in wide fluctuations in flow temperature. He then went on to say that if the adjustments made by Auto Adapt could be "low and slow" it might work. The fact that Joseph Brown from Mitsubishi, did not present any counter argument registered with me

I started this thread thinking that I would install a PAR-WT50 to obtain all the benefits of Auto Adapt. From the comments made by Rob, these are questionable no matter if that feature is available through the PAR-WT50 (as I previously understood), or in some other way.

I believe I have the FTC5 (to be checked), mounted in the Hydrobox cabinet which is effectively outside in the pool pump room. (I believe this has a thermocouple which is rather pointless because it is measuring outside temperature).

Could it be that the FTC6 has the facility for Auto Adapt where the FTC5 does not?


This post was modified 4 months ago 2 times by DavidAlgarve


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Posted by: @davidalgarve

Could it be that the FTC6 has the facility for Auto Adapt where the FTC5 does not?

No. Auto adapt is a feature of the FTC5 too.  I don't really know how else to say this. The wireless adapter frees you from having to play with the main controller. It provides a simple and effective means of setting all the user functions that are normally required. Why Rob required to resort to the FTC6 to set the DHW set point is a puzzle as it is part of the Melcloud GUI.

Fit the Mitsibishi wireless controller and let the auto adapt learn the environment, it can take a wee while, and get on with being warm.

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Thanks Abernyte. The mist has cleared (at least partially!). I did get lost in the terminology and can now confirm that the control board inside my Hydrobox is an FTC6. In my case, the associated "Main Remote Controller" (including thermocouple) is mounted in the Hydrobox in the pool pump room .

I have no thermocouple inside the house connected to the FTC6. Consequently, without the facility of measuring inside temperature, I had concentrated on weather compensation and totally ignored the option of Auto Adapt. I incorrectly thought I could only use Auto Adapt with the Wireless Remote.

As it is not practical to remove and reposition the "Main Remote Controller" (including its thermocouple), from the Hydrobox, I have the option of: (a) fitting a wired thermocouple inside the house or (b) fit a PAR-FT50 to perform the same function wirelessly. Obviously, (b) is the sensible solution. 

I will accept your experience and now try to source a Wireless Controller and Receiver from a supplier here in the Algarve, preferably one that can give some support. Unfortunately, they are thin on the ground! 

Thanks again. 

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Best of luck, oh and use MelCloud once you have connected the wireless receiver to the FTC, then you will never have to touch the main controller again!

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Posted by: @abernyte

Best of luck, oh and use MelCloud once you have connected the wireless receiver to the FTC, then you will never have to touch the main controller again!

…or almost never.

I have found at least one instance where Melcloud couldn’t do something the controller could but it was definitely an edge case and only for a one-off bit of config.


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Posted by: @abernyte

then you will never have to touch the main controller again!

It does introduce another problem, i.e. I have quite enjoyed fiddling with weather compensation, so I don't quite know what I will do with all the spare time that will be released! 


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I am attempting to source an Ecodan Wireless Remote Controller Par-WT50R-E and notice that there is another model Par-WT60R-E which seems to have the same facilities, but is a square rather than rectangular format.

Can anyone confirm that the two are interchangeable and that the WT60 has an integrated thermistor, please?



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