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ASHP User Interface gone blank

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The User interface went blank last night. It seems the unit is working sporadically but not in accordance with previously set times and temps. Could it be something to do with electrical supply just interface?

Illustrious Member Admin
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Welcome to the forums. Can you provide a bit more information (brand, model, etc.) and maybe provide a photo? Is the heat pump still working and it's just the panel that's gone off?

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@editor It's a Daikin Altherma ASHP, 9 years old. User Interface just blank.  ASHP still running but occasionally and not at set temps or times, or so it appears.  One of the cables going into the house from the pump appears to have been chewed, see images its the grey one that's chewed.

image 67504129
image 67229697



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That certainly looks like rodent damage. We have been overrun with rats this winter. I seem to have used the world's supply of rat bait. They even ate the bait station and the bait in the feed shed. 

I think that cable will need replaced. You should tape over the damage temporarily to prevent more water ingress.

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Bizarrely the heat pump is still working.

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Posted by: @editor

Bizarrely the heat pump is still working.

not a massive surprise. if the external unit has power but no comms to the internal unit, and it knows that its "cold out", one might reasonably suppose that its it'll be running some kind of self-protection mode. keep warm keep system from freezing type of thing. It might even have an automated "run in heat until flow temp reaches some pre-determined failsafe value".

the chewed cable looks like its the comms cable between outdoor and indoor unit/controller , totally explains loss of control panel . It carries only a low voltage control signals - so relatively un-scary to replace. Putting it in conduit would probably be a good idea! Given that its wired via the isolator box, the system would still need to be powered down at the MCB/RCB/RCBO that'll be upstream of the isolator in order to make it safe to open the isolator casing.


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210m2 house, Samsung 16kw Gen6 ASHP Self installed: Single circulation loop , PWM modulating pump.
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11.9kWp of PV
41kWh of Battery storage (3x Powerwall 2)
2x BEVs

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