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4 bed detached 1920’s house

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Hi. I’ve just joined the forum. We’ve just bought a 4 bed detached 1920’s house. We are looking to get solar panels installed and are keen to go as low carbon as possible. Since the heating system is an old gas boiler, we are interested in an air source heat pump. 

We’ve had a few companies out who have said we are eligible for RHI which will largely cover the cost of the system. The problem we have is we would be fitting ASHP to the old system, which is radiators only. We’ve had all the calculations done and we are being told the system will perform well with a few radiator changes. 

Like a few others on this forum, I’m a bit concerned that the system won’t heat the house sufficiently and our hot water won’t be hot enough during colder months. 

The house is cavity wall insulated, lagged in the loft and we are having the windows done imminently too. 

The systems we have been recommended are the Grant Aerona and the Midea (different company recommendations).

We’ve also been told the best wall for installation of the heat pump is our north west facing wall (we are limited in where else we can have it). I have concerns about the location owing to it not being in sunlight and therefore lower ambient air temps than other positions. 

I’m after any advice / reviews from anyone that has a system fitted in similar circumstances. I don’t want to pay out thousands for something that won’t service our needs or will cost thousands to run. 


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Welcome to the forums @annemolly. You have some valid concerns based on others' experiences, but the reality is that heat pumps do work when they are installed correctly. Hot water has never been an issue for us, but the biggest game changer was upsizing five radiators to K3s in rooms that struggled to come to temperature. 

Have you had your heat losses calculated and are the two proposed heat pumps similar in size (kW wise)? There is a lot to consider and hopefully the users on the site can arm you with the right questions to ask so that you appoint an installer that will get the job done properly. 

As long as you have good air movement (ie. the heat pump unit and fan not being boxed in) the north-west facing aspect should not be a hinderance.

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Illustrious Member Admin
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You may want to read Sue's Grant experience: https://renewableheatinghub.co.uk/the-importance-of-correctly-installing-an-air-source-heat-pump

She's currently working on an update of their experience and servicing the unit.

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
From Zero to Heat Pump Hero: https://amzn.to/4bWkPFb

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@annemolly, our ASHP is on a north facing wall.  South may be a little better for efficiency sometimes but isn't going to make a huge difference.  Your house sounds fine for an ASHP.  It will probably be more expensive to run than gas but I'm sure you know that. 

Try and make sure the installer has experience in designing and installing ASHPs and if you can speak to one of their existing customers, even better. You'll have to be quick if you want to qualify for RHI.

Good luck! 

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Thank you! 

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@editor - thank you for the information and for setting up this forum. I’ve found it so difficult trying to get independent reviews on ASHP systems and so much scepticism! So this is a really useful forum. 



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