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Why You Should Think Twice Before Buying a Samsung Fridge Freezer

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Illustrious Member Admin
18462 kWhs
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My patience with Samsung has run out. You can read our full saga here, and please a comment if you've had a similar experience.

And just when we thought that things couldn't get worse:


This topic was modified 4 months ago by Mars

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Reputable Member Member
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Oooh, this is not your favourite appliance!  I have owned a similar but older walk in Samsung fridge freezer with ice maker for years and it has only packed in once when the heater element blew.  Replaced next day by the local refrigeration repairer for £50.  Looks like I have been fortunate.

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Illustrious Member Admin
18462 kWhs
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@abernyte, yeah, not impressed. I’ve always been pleased by Samsung, and while the product has been poor, it’s the customer support and arrogance that has pissed me off the most. Buy a new fridge is their solution and we’ll give you 25%. How’s that sustainable in any shape or form?

Buy Bodge Buster – Homeowner Air Source Heat Pump Installation Guide: https://amzn.to/3NVndlU
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Yeah, decent build quality and repairability should be a given. I was somewhat taken aback when the repair guy pulled heating element the size of my oven grill out of the guts of my fridge...who knew!

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