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Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

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Posted by: @diverted-energy

The offer of at cost (non profit) Seplos is still open if anyone wants to jump on and share an order to get reduced priced batteries.

I saw this just after I'd ordered 3 of these from Henry at Seplos. I was glad to converse with him, especially when it came to power cable connectors. They appear to use custom-made FUTRONICS connectors, rather than Amphenol Surlok Plus, which allows them to be rated at 200A. Their 50mm^2 elbow connectors are 15 USD a red/black pair; it seems a bit steep.

It seems as if they have BMS supply issues at the moment, so my order is now delayed until the middle of August; I was offered the 150A BMS at a price reduction but I'd rather wait and over-spec the BMS (and its MOSFETs) for the work it will do. I am being cautious as this is my first foray into power electronics. They are also out of stock of the big Mason wheeled base, but in the end this is no great hardship.

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Posted by: @chickenbig

I guess this is where the seller reputation (length of time on Alibaba, transaction value, Supplier Index rating) comes in.

The 3 Growatt SPF5000ES arrived on 30th July, having ordered them on the 15th June. They cost just short of 700 USD each, including DDP delivery. Please PM me if you would like to know my Alibaba contact. I was considering ordering solar panels directly from them, but for my small quantity (14 pieces) the shipping and handling costs removed any benefits of ordering directly.

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I'd appreciate details for obtaining Growatt inverters,

Is there any restrictions with them being imported into the UK?

Many thanks 


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I have private messaged you with the details. There were no restrictions on the Growatt being imported (CE marked, so all that is OK until the start of next year) and as these are off-grid G99 does not apply.

I did also look at on-grid Deye inverters but they were not allowed to import them into the UK (perhaps even the EU) because Sunsynk are selling badged versions at not too great a markup.

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Posted by: @chickenbig

5 x 150A Littelfuse JLLN and holders it came to £252 GBP including (2 to 3 day express) shipping

I got the import duty bill from DHL, so add another 20% onto that. However this does provide good short-circuit protection, from a more trusted brand than those on Aliexpress, so from an optics perspective this overcomes an objection to using the Seplos Mason 280Ah kit.

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The (3 x 150A for the batteries and 2 x 150A for the inverters) class T fuses and fuse holders arrived, around 100 hours after ordering.

IMG 1625
IMG 1626

They look pretty industrial and feel heavy duty. I decided to go with the screw down sort, reducing the number of lugs/crimps required.

For me just worked, and provides that additional level of protection for the Mason 280Ah kits. Be aware that the price paid online did not include VAT or the ~11 GBP DHL handling fee. Around 60 GBP each (including shipping VAT and fees) is not cheap, but probably easier than making your own holders!

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I have a large system powering my house. 20 panels, 23 HOPPECK 2V batteries with a Studer Compact Charger Inverter with a Morning Star Tri Star solar converter TS M. The batteries are now 13 years old and kaput. Works during the day, nadda at night. So it is time to change. Replacing 24 2V batteries is going to cost a fortune. Is there an easier way out, like a Lithium power wall?

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@charjes2 definitely.

More efficient and more robust. I've had lead acids for years. Lithium much better for many reasons.


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Ok. Thanks for the kind reply @diverted-energy.


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Just stumbled across this Forum

I curently have a pair of Pylontech 2.4Kw batteries, so I'm thinking in adding more , or possibly - if is cheaper enough - to build my own batteries

At some point i did consider buying a Seplos Mason Kit, but that would have ment getting rid of my Pylontech batteries 

Are you guys stil buying the Seplos Kits, if so, what sort of prices are you getting, delivered here in UK?

Are there any other self-build options?



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Posted by: @javiermi

I curently have a pair of Pylontech 2.4Kw batteries, so I'm thinking in adding more

Read what @batalto said about his Pylontech batteries here

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@javiermi I have 3x US2000 and 2xUS3000 - I can tell you 100% its cheaper to build your own. I am currently waiting for my Seplos box to arrive and the cells to go in them. The box was $860 for everything - duty paid, plus cables and data cable to the UK. Shipping was just under $200 of that $860. My cells were $2112 USD for 16x 280ah cells duty paid delivered to me from China. Total cost $2972 USD (approx £2500) for 14.56kwh of storage. 

For Pylontechs US5000 are around £1600 per battery. So for the same storage you are looking at £4800. However thats pre-order in October, so not in hand. Ebay is full of plenty of them too, but expect to pay.

I've simply bought a second Sofar ME3000SP to run the second battery on. Honestly however I am probably going to sell my Pylons and buy double the capacity in self builds once the Seplos and cells arrive. That would give me 45kwh of storage and a dis/charge capacity of 6.4kw.

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
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