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Incorrect Billing of Customers with a Smart Meter

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Posted by: @bxman

I believe that the H H is used regardless of offsets when on a smart tariff with OE.

I will agree that there have been other software issues with Kraken, which is the 'internal' name for the billing system used by Octopus, and licensed to others.
That will always be the case during software development.

However, the particular issue discussed in this topic will only become apparent when the customer has different price-points being applied across the 48 HH periods of the day.


I now understand that R1 & R2, which you referred to earlier, are the 'names' shown on the L&G E470 display for two different rates within your tariff.

Yes, the Randomised Offset within a meter defines the delay between UTC (universal time) and the start of your HH periods.
I have several iterations of the Smart Meter specification here, and I posted the relevant section here earlier.


You shouldn't need to be exchanging 39 emails with a Supplier concerning a complaint.
Two is sufficient to trigger the point at when you take your case to the Office of the Energy Ombudsman.

  1. An initial email to present the evidence, which starts the clock ticking. Most Complaints Procedures state that you will receive a response within a week.
  2. A follow-up email to say that you disagree with their response, and supply any clarification.

They then have 8-weeks to find a resolution. If not, then the complaint is deemed to have reached 'Deadlock' whether or not they send you a letter stating that.


In your case, I strongly suggest that you provide the URL for this forum topic when you contact the Ombudsman.
We've presented clear explanations of what's going wrong, and in much greater detail than most end-users would be expected to understand!

I have also communicated on the Randomised Offset issue with the Commons Select Committee on Energy Security and Net Zero, and with DESNZ themselves.
The documentary evidence is available to the Ombudsman if they need it.

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