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Joined: Mar 14, 2024
Last seen: Jun 28, 2024
Topics: 3 / Replies: 18
RE: Ecodan - Legionella Operation Time and Target Temperature

@editor Thanks. I, of course, thought something was wrong with the timings but wanted to be sure what is normal before contacting my installer or Mi...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan - Legionella Operation Time and Target Temperature

@abernyte Thank you for your reply and I agree that it's debatable as to whether a legionaires cycle is necessary. However, we are classed as vulnerab...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan - Auto Adapt

@hcas That's interesting. There must be some sort of algorithm or AI going on. Maybe similar to what Homely does? How do you use weather station dat...

2 months ago
Replies: 5
Views: 189
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

Not sure why my original thread has gone down this route. Anyway, thanks to everyone for your comments.

2 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@jamespa Thanks. Did you mean to give examples of the thermocouples? So at the moment, I will leave things as they are and wait until the heating s...

2 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@jamespa Thank you for your detailed response. I may have to start a new thread at some point with my questions! With regard to the Flow and Retur...

2 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@toodles Thanks. Always interesting to read your comments. It's of course early days, but from a cost perspective, nothing unexpected compared to la...

2 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

@jamespa Unfortunatley, I don't have a means to measure degree in and out unless you mean the MELCloud graph "Internal Temps" which has "Flow Temp" an...

2 months ago
RE: My horrific Samsung heat pump installation and experience

JamesPA: The installers specified the buffer (4 port not a volumiser in the return) and, to be frank, I have seen arguements both for and against. I...

2 months ago
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