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Reputable Member
793 kWhs
Joined: Oct 19, 2022
Last seen: Feb 5, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 119
RE: Antifreeze protection

Yes. Read my post above for a fuller explanation, but mine operate when the valves themselves are below 3C. This requires rare cold temperatures and a...

2 years ago
RE: A2A as an interim ASHP measure

I see no reason why A2A systems shouldn't be the standard in the UK, at least for new houses, other than the government won't give grants for their in...

2 years ago
RE: Daikin Altherma LT R32 - poor SCOP and breaking heat exchangers!

Question for those who better know how these machines work: why would the inlet refrigerant temperature to the indoor unit be 60C when flow temp is 42...

2 years ago
RE: Issue with Samsung A2W Heat Pump - Water Outlet Temperature

I do not have a Samsung so I'm just speculating until someone more useful comes along. Just using the numbers you've provided it seems like you're g...

2 years ago
RE: Heat Pumps - An Expensive Folly?

Boy is there a lot to go through here... If the heat pumps aren't performing then there's clearly a design issue, but I think you're misundersta...

2 years ago
RE: Rate the quality of your heat pump design and installation

I voted very pleased because whilst I am happy with the system overall there were definitely installation issues that are still not resolved, although...

2 years ago
RE: Air source heat pump roll call

I might as well add info in the way @derek-m described for future reference, but in short I have an 8kW Daikin EDLA model. Manufacturer: Daikin M...

2 years ago
RE: The Mystery of the Weather Compensation Curve

@ronin92 I absolutely agree with this. A year ago I was allowing my home office to go unheated except during working hours, and whilst the air tempera...

2 years ago
RE: The Mystery of the Weather Compensation Curve

@bob77 this rationale is totally correct with a heating system that has a fixed efficiency eg a series of electric fan heaters which are always about ...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP at cold temperatures

@huwsy in which case you've really been done over by them. You should ask them for their heat loss calcs in the first instance, try the methods sugges...

2 years ago
RE: ASHP at cold temperatures

@huwsy I see no reason why air to water heat pumps should not be able to get to 25C room temp, it's just a matter of balancing energy in and energy ou...

2 years ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan not good enough ?

@goody my greatest simpathy goes out to you. It is so annoying that these systems in place to supposedly protect consumers are least helpful when most...

2 years ago
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