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Kev M
Famed Member
5606 kWhs
Joined: Mar 5, 2021
Last seen: Jan 8, 2025
Topics: 10 / Replies: 1266
RE: 12kw Samsung gen 6. Short cycling

Hi Derek, I don't think it does; I think it does a similar thing by looking at flow temp rather than time. I say 'think' because that table's t...

2 years ago
RE: Does your heat pump calculate and provide you with a COP figure?

Hi @Morgan. The wireless module I mean is the little box that connects to the FTC, not the wireless controller. I got this when I had MMSP install...

2 years ago
RE: 12kw Samsung gen 6. Short cycling

I'm watching this from a distance as I can't really contribute. What puzzles me is what is making it switch on after only 20 seconds off? The 8 minut...

2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2390
RE: Does your heat pump calculate and provide you with a COP figure?

Mitsubishi Ecodan/FTC6 No COP on controller but does give some limited info on energy consumed and delivered so you can calculate it. The Melclou...

2 years ago
RE: How can I get my Daikin Altherma 3R to be more efficient with Economy 7?

Hi and welcome to the forum. I had E7 heaters pre ASHP using close to 20000 kWh per year. Now down to 6-7000. I went onto a single tariff; it wasn'...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

I can't beat @Derek-m's explanation so I won't try. And @HughF's advice about the TRVs. I don't know if the newer controllers will work with your AS...

2 years ago
RE: 12kw Samsung gen 6. Short cycling

It looks like it's hitting its lower modulated limit. At a COP of approaching 4 0.8 kW is less than 30% of your ASHPs rated output, which sounds abou...

2 years ago
RE: Turn it off?!

You'd definitely save money by turning your heating off for a week! I just leave mine on all the time. The weather compensation makes sure it doesn'...

2 years ago
RE: Observation about radiators and weather compensation

Yes constant flow was less efficient in my experiment. It's slightly flawed because my numbers include a small amount of DHW (about 2kWh/day) and I m...

2 years ago
RE: Need help explaining how my ASHP heats home vs. water

Your controllers are the older type as used with the original FTC1/2; I hadn't seen one of these before. Your new settings sound like something that...

2 years ago
RE: Observation about radiators and weather compensation

My scatter diagrams don't look quite linear either!!

2 years ago
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