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Joined: Dec 16, 2022
Last seen: Jul 26, 2024
Topics: 2 / Replies: 41
RE: Do I just go with the lowest quote for my heat pump?

@bontwoody It is £2300 for OE (assuming they do not alter it in the survey) and £4200 for BG which was down from £5900 initially. As you say I have to...

3 days ago
RE: Do I just go with the lowest quote for my heat pump?

@editor Yes my BG quote includes a buffer maybe as a thermostat or TRV was suggested downstairs (which I did not want had it been explained). I am que...

4 days ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@lucia Yes agreed I have started one now. It has been a very helpful thread

5 days ago
RE: Just go with the lowest Quote?

@gunboatdiplomat Yes when I have had the survey and report I will check. The BG one was pretty perfunctory with little detail except that it is up to ...

5 days ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@johnmo Thanks , bedrooms upstairs. A fully open system is what I want, I must specify that to Octopus surveyor.

5 days ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@johnmo Ah yes he did say something about a TRV downstairs not a room thermostat but why would I need that? I want the most economic system controlled...

5 days ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@broadsman Unfortunately this does not seem to have trickled down to the surveyor who still added one to my quote even though I mentioned I did not wa...

5 days ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

Having responded to BG on a few points (buffer!) I now have an Octopus survey at the end of the month. It will be interesting to see how they respond ...

7 days ago
RE: Buffer tank in primary circuit?

@editor Am I cynical in wondering why the two large energy providers design systems eg, BG with a buffer and Octopus with a high flow rate? Both of th...

2 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@derek-m Thinking about what @lucia says about quotes seemingly downgrading some replacement rads would it be wrong to upgrade rads not deemed necessa...

2 weeks ago
RE: Two possible heat pump routes - how to evaluate them?

@lucia At £209 for a buffer I'd rather have an extra emitter!

2 weeks ago
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