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326 kWhs
Joined: Dec 17, 2021
Last seen: Nov 30, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 57
RE: Heat pump monitoring - Open Source.

I’m another who has their heat pump on that site. I’m a big fan. It’s the 11kw Farnham Daikin Altherma. I was on the OVO electrification of heat trial...

8 months ago
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

As you know @transparent, I am in one of those 742 homes and things didn’t go well for many us. I have provided plenty of feedback to them during the ...

1 year ago
RE: Is my Daikin Altherma 11kW heat pump oversized?

@kev-m Thanks for the form. It does seem to tie in with what I'm experiencing. Cycling starts to increase at 4-5C outside temperature. The offici...

2 years ago
RE: Is my Daikin Altherma 11kW heat pump oversized?

@heacol The system is a Daikin Altherma. Heating schedule is set in the main controller, I have 20.5C through 6am-10pm then set back to 19C over ni...

2 years ago
RE: Is my Daikin Altherma 11kW heat pump oversized?

@derek-m I don’t have any thermostats other than the Daikin unit that allows modulating leaving water temperature, this can vary the LWT by a couple o...

2 years ago
RE: Is my Daikin Altherma 11kW heat pump oversized?

@derek-m COP varied from 2.54 to 3.5 over the period assessed, average daily temp -2.8C to 11.5C, with compressor starts per hour of running 0.1 - ...

2 years ago
RE: Outdoor monobloc frost valve insulator

Some of these frost valves are not supposed to be insulated. The Caleffi ones aren’t, but the inta ones can be. I only just found this out via another...

2 years ago
RE: Does your heat pump calculate and provide you with a COP figure?

We have a Daikin Altherma. It’s doesn’t tell you a COP value. The info it can display is heat energy generated for hot water and heating. It also rath...

2 years ago
RE: Say hello and introduce yourself

@derek-m This is the way I have my EV and battery set up to match the Octopus Go window. Neither are ‘clever’ enough to interact with external tri...

2 years ago
RE: Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

@transparent thanks for sharing the additional details about the batteries. In terms of price, I’m not looking to make a profit, so £1800 would cov...

2 years ago
RE: Anyone want to share costs on batteries?

Hi All Not sure if this counts as advertising, as I’m a private individual but I’m sure the moderators can deal with this if needed. I ordered 16...

2 years ago
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