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Noble Member
3009 kWhs
Joined: May 2, 2022
Last seen: Jan 29, 2025
Topics: 6 / Replies: 481
RE: When will they arrive?

I’m firmly of the belief that it’s all the installers fault for not educating themselves. I’m going to stand by that until I get convinced otherwise… ...

2 years ago
RE: Nibe S2125 - anybody had experience with this relatively new heat pump?

It’s 0.99m2 in volume, so it needs PP if you want to install it. That’s going to make it unpopular in the UK for sure.

2 years ago
RE: When will they arrive?

I am aware that most other controllers have some sort of auto adaption, but it’s my experience from reading the installation manuals that this stuff i...

2 years ago
RE: When will they arrive?

I don’t completely agree with this Mars, and I’ll suggest why; Heatpumps give best COP when the flow temp is low, we know that. Low flow temp comes wi...

2 years ago
RE: When will they arrive?

I don’t (yet) Mars, although it’s on my list for when I install my system next year. Although I sound like a salesmen when I go on about it, as an ele...

2 years ago
RE: When will they arrive?

It supports midea and samsung at the moment, but they are adding more. If the heatpump has an rs485 module, you’re good to go.

2 years ago
RE: I'm so confused and worried about the running costs of my heat pump. Please help!

Total failure to properly design the system, lack of installer knowledge, etc etc etc.... Standard...

2 years ago
RE: I'm so confused and worried about the running costs of my heat pump. Please help!

Do you have the date at which the ASHP was installed and commissioned? Electricity has risen from 15p/unit (for arguments sake) to 34p/unit over the l...

2 years ago
RE: When will they arrive?

It will take the time clock and room stats out of the equation, so there goes the number one cause of short cycling. It switches the heating from a fi...

2 years ago
RE: When will they arrive?

If only everyone had homely….. there’s zero reason for a person to have to figure this out when an algorithm can do a better job…

2 years ago
RE: I'm so confused and worried about the running costs of my heat pump. Please help!

Well, the offer stands. No charge, obviously. If you want someone to pop over and take a look and explain how things work then just ask.

2 years ago
RE: I'm so confused and worried about the running costs of my heat pump. Please help!

@winnie-wicket not a million miles from me in Trowbridge. Happy to pop over and cast an eye over it, even if it’s to draw up a schematic and/or make s...

2 years ago
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