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Honorable Member
2644 kWhs
Joined: Feb 8, 2023
Last seen: Mar 10, 2025
Topics: 1 / Replies: 304
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

Great sounds like you have it functioning correctly.

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

AA uses your weather compensation curve as a starting point some info here.

1 month ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5kW Monobloc (FTC5) Defrost Mode

If its a std mitusbishi preplumbed cylinder then it doesn't usually have a buffer they do have what Mitsubishi call a Low Loss Header but it has minim...

1 month ago
RE: Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5kW Monobloc (FTC5) Defrost Mode

I have never checked but I assumed all my secondary pumps are running during a defrost as there is only 10M of 28mm pipe in the primary not sure what ...

1 month ago
RE: alternative to Homely - HavenWise. Anyone used it?

@morgan just go to the login to the website hcas has provided, that just gets the data across to them they won't take control until you request it.

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks I have never tried to use a wireless controller before so will be interested to find out how it goes. I would hope the dip switch change...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@harriup I believe these offsets only work in autoadapt mode and not in weather compensation mode which is why I were suggesting @clockworks gets his ...

1 month ago
RE: How is water flow controlled in a heat pump system?

@wvtienen1 Yes its controlled by a signal to the pump, if I change the value on the heatpump controller I can hear the pump speed up or slow down and ...

1 month ago
RE: How is water flow controlled in a heat pump system?

@wvtienen1 There is a flow meter that measures the flow rate and can be accessed on the heatpump controller, the pump speed/power can be set from th...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks The only way to detect defrosts from the data is as you say to see the flow temp drop below the return. You should be getting defrosts wh...

1 month ago
RE: How is water flow controlled in a heat pump system?

The short answer as always is it depends, different models do it differently. Mitsubishi is constant flow rate so as the heat pump modulates down you...

1 month ago
RE: Ecodan 6kW - is it "cycling", or normal operation?

@clockworks or get your installer back to fix it, the cycling you are getting isn't acceptable, the MCS guideline talks about volumisers to ensure the...

1 month ago
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