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Reputable Member
770 kWhs
Joined: Aug 20, 2022
Last seen: Mar 3, 2025
Topics: 15 / Replies: 94
RE: Method for monitoring ASHP usage/efficiency in real time?

I didn’t get MMSP installed with mine so unlikely to be worth fitting at this point. Does anyone know if you can hook up an electric meter pulse count...

2 years ago
RE: Oil vs Gas vs ASHP costs.

Also this is based on a standard electric tariff. We're on Octopus Go, so 5 hours of our usage is at 8p rather than 30p. Our 'real world' average unit...

2 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1927
RE: What's your current daily damage?

Sorry should have said: Yesterday was 50kWh.

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

It’s also worth remembering the oil or gas boilers have very expensive days too. It was just harder to measure. I remember during beast from the ea...

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

You might be more successful at a lower temp. At 55c I imagine it’s defrosting a lot. Whereas at say 45 you might find it’s not as hot but defrosts le...

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

Also was it on 24/7 or do you have a set back or off period?

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

Not necessarily, there’s only no headroom if your water temp is maxed out and the unit is running at full pelt. What flow temps are you running at. Mo...

2 years ago
RE: What's your current daily damage?

So on Weds I realised that using the log burner was turning off the stat and leaving upstairs cold. So I moved the stat upstairs to the landing which ...

2 years ago
RE: What's your current daily damage?

Running at 38° flow today. 2° outside most rooms at 19° C however, a few are lagging a little at 17 C, but these are rooms like the landing so it does...

2 years ago
RE: Massive Electricity Cost

Not sure how Grant ASHP work, but as an indication we have a 1700s old stone house, 250sqm and we’re paying about £15 per day. With an ASHP the sec...

2 years ago
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