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What is this white plastic ring on my radbots?

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... white plastic ring called please?

I have removed a load of radbots, hoping to replace them with these normal TRV tops but they don't quite fit with the plastic ring they were fitted with, or without. So I need slightly smaller rings, but don't know what they're called!

PXL 20250223 173629413
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This topic was modified 2 weeks ago by Powysperson
This topic was modified 2 weeks ago 2 times by Mars

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They are adaptor rings to enable you to fit various tops, when I bought BG’s Hive PTRV’s years ago, they came with several different adaptor rings to fit on various valve designs. I suggest you look up ‘Hive TRV’s’ in BG’s site - you may find the types and names you are looking for there. Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Here is another possible link:

IMG 1138

Regards, Toodles.


Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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You don't say what your heating us.

If by any chance you have a heat pump don't fit radbots.  In most cases don't fit trv tops either, other than for cosmetic reasons (so leave most on max and slightly unscrewed)

This post was modified 2 weeks ago 2 times by JamesPa

4kW peak of solar PV since 2011; EV and a 1930s house which has been partially renovated to improve its efficiency. 7kW Vaillant heat pump.

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Ah ok. The ECO4 installer fitted the radbots everywhere and they are woeful, I want to get rid.

They also left a box of primaflow TRVs so I was hoping to fit them instead (see pic). But they don't fit the radiator valves. Would they be as bad as the Radbots? I just want something where I can leave the rads on high during the day and off at night so the bedrooms don't get too hot. I know programmable ones would be ideal but this would be just a temporary measure, since I have them already.

PXL 20250223 173802796


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and yes I do have a heat pump: https://renewableheatinghub.co.uk/forums/renewable-heating-air-source-heap-pumps-ashps/grant-aerona-3-help-please#post-42897

Thank you.

This post was modified 2 weeks ago by Mars


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Posted by: @powysperson

Ah ok. The ECO4 installer fitted the radbots everywhere and they are woeful, I want to get rid.

They also left a box of primaflow TRVs so I was hoping to fit them instead (see pic). But they don't fit the radiator valves. Would they be as bad as the Radbots? I just want something where I can leave the rads on high during the day and off at night so the bedrooms don't get too hot. I know programmable ones would be ideal but this would be just a temporary measure, since I have them already.

PXL 20250223 173802796


OK, let me refine my simplified initial statement.  Generally I would recommend that any TRVs except

(a) for aesthetic reasons as described above

(b) set 2-3C above the desired temperature in rooms that might get excess solar gain or heat from cooking, so they act as limiters (but not controllers

(c) in a minority of rooms where constant temperature is not acceptable for comfort. 


If you need to fit TRVs in bedrooms for comfort go ahead, but consider first whether you need variable temperature or whether a fixed lower temperature in these rooms would suffice.  For many its the latter.  If it is the latter, turn down the lockshield valves instead until the room is at the right temperature.  I started off with TRVs in my bedrooms but have now removed them and turned the lockshields down.  Alternatively consider a degree or two night time setback for the whole system, if the controller supports this.

What you do not want to end up with is having anything more than a minority of rooms with TRVs, but a small number is OK if needed for comfort.

The plastic pieces seem to be called 'TRV adapters' or 'TRV head adapters' see eg temu The radbots would probably have come with a set of adapter rings, but the installers would have binned them!

I hope thats more helpful!


4kW peak of solar PV since 2011; EV and a 1930s house which has been partially renovated to improve its efficiency. 7kW Vaillant heat pump.

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My ECO4 installer did exactly the same - installed Radbots on all my radiators, and left me the regular TRVs which came with the radiator valves but which they did not use. In my case it was simple to just remove the Radbots (and plastic adapter rings), and replace with regular TRVs, which are all set to maximum as @jamespa suggests.

I think part of the ECO4 scheme has a section on heating controls, and Radbots tick a box for fancy room-based control of radiators. Complete waste of money although they do look smart. I did manage to recycle 24 AA batteries from them, so all was not lost. If anyone wants 12 unused Radbots (minus batteries), feel free to message me.

This post was modified 2 weeks ago by Old_Scientist

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Posted by: @old_scientist

If anyone wants 12 unused Radbots (minus batteries), feel free to message me.

Ebay?  Or has the market been saturated as a result of ECO4?

4kW peak of solar PV since 2011; EV and a 1930s house which has been partially renovated to improve its efficiency. 7kW Vaillant heat pump.



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