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Mitsubishi Advanced Auto Adaptation

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Posted by: @sliderule

Also AAA does not follow a preset curve like WC. Presumably the "learning" is something to do with the observed rate of change of Room Temperature, but that's just guesswork on my part. Others have said it takes days to settle down after a restart to the system.

Please clarify.

Are you suggesting that a power-cut would lose the data which the AAA control system has 'learned'?

If so, then DESNZ need notifying.
They're proposing a Demand Side Response mechanism, which compensates householders who allow their heat-pumps to be turned off by a DSR-Agent using remote control.

This post was modified 3 months ago by Mars

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Posted by: @sliderule

I hope these experiences are of some help.

They are, and thank you for the detail of what you do. One of the many useful functions of this forum is that it provides a repository of different ways to tackling various setups.

I doubt we will ever know exactly how AAA or Homely for example work, that would take complex reverse engineering way beyond what I am capable of let alone willing to do given these are commercial products, but I do think it is very valid to consider the general principles eg what are the factors that determine the actual room temperature, and then see what we can do to reduce costs while maintaining comfort, which at the end of the day is what most of us want.

On the question of recovery after a power cut (which we have a fair number of, rural location with overhead lines) - I have deliberately made my setup as resilient as possible. The mini PC that runs the show is set to reboot after a power cut, and then various scripts including dare I say it a residual Home Assistant installation auto-restart. The main failures I get at the moment are HA logging conking out with "Unknown error OverflowError('int too big to convert')" the cause of which I have not been able to find (I can track down the code that logs the error, but not what triggers the error), which I fix by having a HA automation detect the error, and when it occurs, it reboots HA.

The reason I still have HA (for those who know my general views on HA) is purely historical. It's been on my system from day one, installed as part of the initial installation, and although I have increasing moved away from it, it does still have some useful functions, and rather than re-invent the wheel, I have let HA carry on doing what it does perfectly well. 

This post was modified 3 months ago by Transparent
This post was modified 3 months ago by Mars

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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