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Plug and play solar. Thoughts?

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IMG 3243


I’ve seen our mains voltage very high on occasion, but I’ve never known anything happen due to it.  We get 253V on a sunny day here - I looked in the ena database at our inverter, and there are specific voltage&time combinations when it should / should not switch off, my conclusion is it’s high but ok.   Interestingly, I think our area is one of the many that hasn’t been re-tapped from when the uk mains was described as 240V - also attached a week of voltages here.  The serious dips are charging the car at night! 

IMG 3242


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I agree with @robl  that the G98 testing regime stipulates the time in which the inverter should 'trip'.

Your daily graph suggests to me that you were always within the 216v - 253v envelope.

I can't tell the accuracy of that graph however because I don't know if the voltage sensor is the same circuitry which the inverter itself uses to measure the voltage of its output when exporting.

In my earlier photo I showed the voltage displayed by the internal screen of the inverter, rather than via an App.
I'm confident that the inverter was seeing the same voltage as was being displayed.
It persisted in exporting above 253v, and therefore wasn't actually implementing the requirements of the G98 code. 😕 


In this case I had an adjacent inverter (connecting to a storage battery).

It did 'notice' the over-volts and detached itself from the grid after a minute or two.
It was the 'failure' of that inverter which led to me investigating what had occurred...
... and discovering the export above 253v.

This demonstrates my concerns about having devices exporting to the grid which aren't tested and certified to G98.

Failures affect others, whilst we may not notice anything being wrong.

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