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Hello, really interested to share experiences and help/ get help on operation and best set ups

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Hi all - I’ve just found this group after looking for help with my ASHP. We have an Eco house full of energy saving technology. Most works fine but the ASHP is causing me a lot of grief. I see that I’m not alone in that. 🙈

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@rickk54, welcome to the forums and sorry to hear that your ASHP isn’t running well. Please start a new thread on the forums that’s specific to your heat pump and system and detail what’s causing you problems.

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Hi, new to the heat pump world, have the heat pump and most the bits, just got to get it installed, will wait for the weather to improve just in case there are delays with the install. Will be a DIY install except the main electrics.

New build house, circa 3.2kW at about -9 degs heat load. Currently has a combi gas boiler, which I have been fiddling with for the past year to improve efficiency, this months efficiency for CH is around 110%. I should be able to get lower heating costs with the ASHP. Let's hope.

Heat pump will be installed on an open flow, no actuators UFH system, heating and cooling the floor of the house and a garden pod also with UFH.

Will run with weather compensation, no buffer or LLH and a single pump. Will be installing a thermostat with 0.1 deg hysterisis in house and a slightly less accurate one in the pod. The pod thermostat will just close a 2 port valve not be able to call for heat. System volume without pod is 56l.

Heat pump is a Maxa 6kW i-32V5, but exactly the same as a Viessmann Vitocal-100

Based in NE Scotland

Maxa i32V5 6kW ASHP (heat and cooling)
6.5kW PV
13.5kW GivEnergy AIO Battery.

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Hi All. New Ecodan ASHP owner as of a few weeks ago. Thought I'd join the fun here and add my experiences etc where I can.

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Posted by: @rickk54

I see that I’m not alone in that.

I am struggling to understand why heat pumps can't be installed properly.  I have a pretty old house where the insulation level is measured by "wind chill factor" rather than u-value, and undersized radiators in 3/4 of the house (though we are renovating and have 1/4 with UFH now).  Our heat pump is doing a great job, imho.


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i'm Lesley and live with my husband in Yorkshire
Struggling with getting my Samsung ASHP working right so found this forum 🙂

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@lfranklin, welcome to the forums. Please start a new thread dedicated to your heat pump and system, and tell us what you need assistance with.

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Hello everyone!

We have a Daikin ASHP - Altherma 3 High Temp Split HHT (R32). We have had a number of issues with the unit unable to keep heating the house properly when the temperature dropped below zero. Today the Daikin engineer called (3rd Daikin visit to rectify problems) who found that the the auxiliary heaters were not working and that they would need to be replaced.

Before that the installers have had to visit several times to sort the programming out. Sad to say we are extremely grateful that we kept our oil heating system as a back up in case there were teething problems. Like a human baby the teething problems have lasted on and off since November 2021 when we commissioned the system.  

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Hi and welcome. Hopefully you are getting things sorted. Was running the auxiliary heaters at lower temperatures part of the design?  It certainly wasn't with us as our ASHP doesn't have one.


(@Anonymous 5046)
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Hi everyone!

I'm new to the ASHP word with my Midea local brand clone named Rotenso, 6kW split.

It's installed in a new building and for the moment I'm trying to heat it up, I know winter is not best time: over a week I got to around 12-13 degrees inside, but still growing.

Looking forward for configuration tips, integration with monitoring tools like Home Assistant, where I can share my own experience from over 2 years usage.


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Hi Folks,

I'm Derek and I am currently playing with my Samsung gen6 8kw ashp. I just got set up with openenergymonitor at Christmas and it's been fascinating. Top job now is to optimise mr heat pump as he was cycling a bit so it's ditch the thermostats and bring on the weather compensation time 🙂

I also run 6kw solar array with Solis inverter and an ac coupled Solis RAI with a homemade LiFePo4 battery using a Seplos BMS. My house is a Scotframe closed panel with underfloor heating and MVHR, so it's pretty efficient.

Let the information exchanging begin!



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