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[Solved] My Solar, Battery and Eddi issue

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Not sure if this is the right forum but it has been so strange. 

installed last year and all worked perfectly. I change my internet and in order to connect the battery/inverter/solar to my new network I had to get an engineer out. The apps I have just would not allow me to do it. 

he didn’t reconnect the Eddi to the WiFi. I did, and it only worked after powering the Eddi down and restarting it. 

since then, there has been zero water heater by the Eddi and zero export to the grid. 

instead, the solar fills the battery to 100% and then production just ramps down to the point where there is only the use of the house being produced. So in the afternoon I can have 100% filled battery, bright sun and the solar only seemingly producing 500w, less than 10% of its capacity. 

if I turn on the oven or kettle for example, production will shoot away up for that short period. 

the suppliers seem baffled but I think it is more of a case of disinterested. 

any advice? Could changing settings in the Eddi help to fix the problem?

This topic was modified 7 months ago by Mars

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You may find the help you need via their technical help dept. via

Regards, Toodles.

Toodles, he heats his home with cold draughts and cooks his food with magnets.

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Sounds like your export limit has set its self to zero. That needs to be reset. 

Also look at the CT clamps for diverter and inverter. Move the one for the diverter upstream of the inverter one. In theory the diverter should sense current availability and power immersion before the inverter cuts back power.

Maxa i32V5 6kW ASHP (heat and cooling)
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@johnmo thanks John. So would I adjust the “export margin” in the Eddi menus to do that? Looking at it now it is indeed showing zero.

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Posted by: @marvinator80

@johnmo thanks John. So would I adjust the “export margin” in the Eddi menus to do that? Looking at it now it is indeed showing zero.

In the inverter your installer may have reset to zero or it has itself. That is the only real thing that can modulate the PV output.

Not sure about the Eddi, you will have to read the manual.


Maxa i32V5 6kW ASHP (heat and cooling)
6.5kW PV
13.5kW GivEnergy AIO Battery.

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@marvinator80 Don’t have an eddi, but if your export limit is set to zero you should increase it to the desired level based on how much energy you’re looking to export. Let us know if this resolves your issue.

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Posted by: @editor

@marvinator80 Don’t have an eddi, but if your export limit is set to zero you should increase it to the desired level based on how much energy you’re looking to export. Let us know if this resolves your issue.

thanks Mars and everyone who commented. I fixed it. As well as reading here I asked AI and that was useful too.

i was able to guess the password for the engineers menu on the inverter and found the option. It  had set itself to zero export somehow and I was able to correct this. Production was absolutely flying today and exported about 8KW to the grid on what was a mixed day in terms of sun and cloud.


Illustrious Member Admin
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@marvinator80 awesome well done. Glad it’s working again. Not that it matters, but which AI did you consult?

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@editor Google AI came up with the goods this time. 

I use ChatGPT for work and other stuff but it wasn’t really getting it on this question.


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