Zehnder ComfoPost C...
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Zehnder ComfoPost CW6 with ASHP?

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I am considering replacing my gas boiler with an ASHP and also upgrading my MVHR system. A couple of items I am considering are the Zehnder ComfoPost CW6 and the Zehnder NOX40-125. Space is tight and a careful design will be required. I would also like to improve the acoustic insulation of the loft space where the main MVHR components are installed.

Does anyone have experience of using a chiller like the CW6 attached to a cooling circuit on an ASHP? Last year's heatwave caused uncomfortable overheating in my house and I am interested in potential solutions.

I have tried asking Zehnder for further information but have not received any replies either to forms submitted via their website or to emails sent to a number of their email addresses (and from two of my email addresses). I have even tried whatever the bird site is called this week. I find it really frustrating when companies publish contact details but then don't reply!

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What exactly did you ask/want to know from Zehnder?

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Posted by: @fazel

What exactly did you ask/want to know from Zehnder?

I would like to know if they offer design advice and can recommend installers that might consider upgrading my existing system. There is a good supply of technical information available on their website but I am not an MVHR system designer. The existing system was specified by the architects on an earlier project and installed by contractors chosen by them.

It would be reassuring to know that should problems occur they would respond to technical support requests, even if they just suggested that the request should be sent elsewhere.


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If you want to include cooling, have you considered air to air heat pumps? Depends on the number of rooms you consider needing cooling, and the visual impact of the DX fan coil units internally. Quite a number of air to water ASHPs will heat and cool, but cooling requires fan coil units, either low level radiator style units, or high level ceiling or wall units. MVHR system airflows are unlikely to have a high enough airflow volume to enable DX coils to be added that will be effective. The amount of cooling you'll get out of the them will be very low.



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