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What to look for when reviewing ASHP running stats?

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Hi everyone,

I now have access to recorded ASHP stats on my Panasonic Aquarea monobloc through their service cloud.  It isn't exactly open energy monitor but given that equipment was going to set me back about £800 I'm happy with I have.  I've been tweaking the weather comp curve and appear to have found something that suits us for comfort.


It records numerous parameters at 5min intervals and I can go back up to seven days.  All data is graphed and can be downloaded to CSV.  These parameters include: DHW tank temp; Outdoor temp; Inlet water temp; Outlet water temp; Discharge temp; Outdoor pipe temp; High pressure; Outdoor current AMPs; Compressor frequency and Pump flow rate l/min.


Could you give me some tips / pointers on what I should be looking for that would be associated with a well running ASHP?  The COP readings for both heating and water are looking good just now so I don't believe there is anything obviously wrong with it.



This topic was modified 5 months ago 3 times by TheBinMan

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Found a YouTube video from John Cantor on this very subject so working through that.


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Posted by: @thebinman

Could you give me some tips / pointers on what I should be looking for that would be associated with a well running ASHP?  The COP readings for both heating and water are looking good just now so I don't believe there is anything obviously wrong with it.

Maybe start by plotting the data, and looking at the patterns? If you post the plots here, I am sure we can comment. For a start, you will be able to see if your heat pump is cycling, and if so what the cycling frequency is, what the LWT/RWT delta t is, what happens during defrost cycles once it gets cold enough for them, and much else besides. Also I suggest getting into the habit of downloading the CSV data every 7 days so you have, hopefully, a continuous record.

The available data you have listed is almost enough to be able to calculate your energy in and energy out, the determinants of COP, the missing one (volts) can be probably be guessed accurately enough if not actually available. I'm sure John Cantor goes through the equations in many places. Once you have continuous data, you can determine COPs for any interval you want. But bear in mind there isn't really a master number that on its own will tell you everything you need to know, its the combination and pattern of the numbers. You might also want to set up a way of recording indoor air temperature (room temperature), if that isn't currently being recorded. A cheap RC-4 data logger from ebay can do that at hourly intervals.   

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW


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Posted by: @thebinman

I now have access to recorded ASHP stats on my Panasonic Aquarea monobloc through their service cloud.   

May I ask how you got access to their service cloud?


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@hcas Apologies for the late response.


So to access this I registered with the Panasonic Service Cloud at https://aquarea-service.panasonic.com/ and once that was approved I used the Panasonic Comfort Cloud app to invite my Service Cloud registered email address to see the heat pump stats.  You set the level of admin rights.



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@thebinman Thank you!

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