Vaillant Arotherm y...
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Vaillant Arotherm yeild and COP readings

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@kev-m - yes, a new thread does make sense. Something isn't right, and because I am me, I want an explanation! For now, I can confirm most of your assumptions about my set up are correct, and it does indeed have a plate heat exchanger. I'll start the new thread once I have got the next Beginner's Guide to heat Pump Monitoring post done, it is long overdue.

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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@drew-pa Hi -


I know this is an old thread, but I am doing some work on my system once more, and thought I might say something which I feel is important.


Just because Vaillant calculate their 'COP' that way doesn't make it right. It produces a figure that looks far better than simple kWh input-to-kWh output, a simple ratio and is the only sensible way to compare S/COPs, especially across multiple manufacturers. Vaillant's 'calculation' is dissembling or plain distraction from the true COP, or ratio between power in to power out. Otherwise it is perfectly meaningless to the average punter, who is perhaps not so arithmetically inclined as some.  

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@yogabob Why then do the Vaillant 'CoP' figures more or less marry up with those obtained from independent monitoring systems, as per numerous records via Open Energy Monitor?


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