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Samsung Heat Pump Issues

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IMG 2757

Hi everyone! 

Our home has a Samsung air source heat pump setup and to be honest I’ve always thought it’s been pretty good! A lot of our neighbours have had issues and swapped out their systems for oil boilers (a bit of a step backwards to me) the only issue we have ever had was with the unit freezing up but I managed to get someone to come out and replace the sensor that made the auto defrost work and that sorted it. 

But we are now being plagued with a low flow error (E911) everything online says it should be an easy fix but I can’t get to the back of it, I’ve cleaned the magnetic filter we have on the system and topped up the pressure to just under 2 bar but still the same. Looking online our system looks like it’s been plumbed in very differently to a lot of others, I’ve attached a photo if anyone has any suggestions or ideas or things they think look a little weird then let me know! 😂



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Welcome to the forums @scotty229. I would suggest seeing if there's a Y-strainer on your system too, which has a gauze filter in it that often triggers flow errors if there any corrosive bits in it.

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@scotty229 I'm sorry to hear of your issues. It looks as if you have an old fashioned flow meter on the right vertical pipe as well as possibly a Sika flow meter on the upper horizontal pipe. If so, do they both show low flow rates? The heat pump will throw a E911 error if the Sika flow meter reports a low flow rate even if this is falsely low. Is your Wilo pump on its maximum setting? Is your system a single loop (I cannot see a buffer tank) and how is your hot water heated?

There are others on this forum, who understand how the piping should be arranged much better than me. Hopefully, someone will comment on this.



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