Optimising ecodan A...
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Optimising ecodan ASHP

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@kev-m I can’t see it. When I follow the videos of where it should be, when I press the 4th button it’s just holiday mode setting not energy data. I think linked to what previous poster saying about this being an add on that I don’t have? It has its own meter in my cupboard under the stairs so I can see total energy consumed but never delivered so but pointless 

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@hotheat your pressing the wrong button, press the far right white button not the menu button then on the screen above that will be the consumed and delivered kwh for the month of you press the white button again you can look at energy for the year etc

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@gary I don’t think I am - I’m pressing the circled button far

right and then I get this?


IMG 4319


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Yes you are correct you don’t have the same menu as I do. 

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Posted by: @hotheat

@kev-m I can’t see it. When I follow the videos of where it should be, when I press the 4th button it’s just holiday mode setting not energy data. I think linked to what previous poster saying about this being an add on that I don’t have? It has its own meter in my cupboard under the stairs so I can see total energy consumed but never delivered so but pointless 

I've remembered something that may explain it; some FTC6s were supplied without the energy delivered functionality.  I don't know if it was hardware or software or if anything can be done retrospectively.


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@kev-m interesting! I may get in touch with Mitsubishi then and see if there’s something they can do.

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Posted by: @hotheat

@kev-m interesting! I may get in touch with Mitsubishi then and see if there’s something they can do.

Let the forum know what they say if you do. I asked the question on a Mitsubishi Facebook group and that's the answer I got - it might not be correct!


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Posted by: @kev-m

Posted by: @hotheat

@kev-m I can’t see it. When I follow the videos of where it should be, when I press the 4th button it’s just holiday mode setting not energy data. I think linked to what previous poster saying about this being an add on that I don’t have? It has its own meter in my cupboard under the stairs so I can see total energy consumed but never delivered so but pointless 

I've remembered something that may explain it; some FTC6s were supplied without the energy delivered functionality.  I don't know if it was hardware or software or if anything can be done retrospectively.


This is exactly the same issue we had with our installation a year ago. We had the missing energy data. We also had a 3rd party thermostat which meant we couldn’t operate Auto Adapt.

We went back to the installer and confidently but politely stated the installation did not give us the full and expected facilities which should be available from a new installation. We also NEEDED the main controller moved to our central location in view of the frequent access needed to check on HP performance. 

Our installer installed a new replacement main controller using the existing 10 mtr cable relocating the controller into our kitchen. We also agreed the replacement of the room thermostat to the wireless Mitsubishi thermostat which communicates with the main controller. This meant we had full access and control of Auto Adapt.

I believe Mitsubishi agreed to replace the controller FOC. All of the above work was done without extra cost to us. It’s important to get the basics right.

Just like the above - it is also important to get your weather compensation curve adjusted exactly to your property.

The best way to do this is to use the ‘fixed flow temperature’ setting on a constant cold day (say -4) and adjust the flow temperature and leave for a couple of hours - then adjust flow until a steady room temp is achieved (say 21C)(without dropping and without rising) make a note of the Ambient temp and the flow temp.

repeat the above on a moderate ambient(say 10C) and do more if you can. Then compare the points on a graph to see what curve best fits.

Eventually you will create a weather curve that will accurately compensate for the outside temperature. Also AUTO ADAPT will not have to yo-yo in order to follow the desired room temperature since the differentials will be able to be quite small.

here is a drawn graph of our early record of weather compensation 

B638F934 5E22 4978 AB66 E911C8FD464D



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@sunandair sadly my installer is long gone so no hope of him rectifying! However, I do have new guys for servicing etc who have been very helpful and are Mitsubishi diamond partners so I will speak to Mitsubishi  and see what they say. I’m assuming I’ll have to pay though.

I love the data collection you’ve done although I’m not sure I’m quite dedicated enough to do that myself…my partner has already said he doesn’t want to hear about the heating anymore! But I will continue to tweak. I seem to have got lucky with maintaining constant internal temp with the curve I have set atm, although I noticed that the delta today when it’s been warmer has reduced to 2-3 degrees, still not sure if that matters or how to address it. But I feel like I understand the whole system a lot better than I did a week ago at least


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Posted by: @hotheat

@sunandair sadly my installer is long gone so no hope of him rectifying! However, I do have new guys for servicing etc who have been very helpful and are Mitsubishi diamond partners so I will speak to Mitsubishi  and see what they say. I’m assuming I’ll have to pay though.

I love the data collection you’ve done although I’m not sure I’m quite dedicated enough to do that myself…my partner has already said he doesn’t want to hear about the heating anymore! But I will continue to tweak. I seem to have got lucky with maintaining constant internal temp with the curve I have set atm, although I noticed that the delta today when it’s been warmer has reduced to 2-3 degrees, still not sure if that matters or how to address it. But I feel like I understand the whole system a lot better than I did a week ago at least

It is surprising how many problem heat pump installations are by installers who are no longer trading (or at least not under the original company name). 🙄 

As outside temperatures increase, the DT is likely to reduce, because less thermal energy is required to heat the home. Lowering the water pump speed should cause an increase in DT, though it may be necessary to increase the pump speed again if the outside temperature falls too much. It is the combination of flowrate and DT that determines how much thermal energy is being transferred from the heat pump to the heat emitters.


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@derek-m Thanks - I don’t think I’m quite brave enough to play around with water pump settings just yet but at least I understand the logic behind it more now!

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Posted by: @hotheat

I love the data collection you’ve done although I’m not sure I’m quite dedicated enough to do that myself…my partner has already said he doesn’t want to hear about the heating anymore! But I will continue to tweak. I seem to have got lucky with maintaining constant internal temp with the curve I have set atm, although I noticed that the delta today when it’s been warmer has reduced to 2-3 degrees

That’s ok… if you’re getting the room temperature you want at all outside temperatures then you may as you say, be lucky and have got the right WCcurve.

A narrowing of the DT may just be the ecodan modulating  to regulate and maintain the target flow temperature. 

I guess when you titled your subject “optimising Ecodan” I presumed you wanted a slightly deeper understanding since they are quite complex.

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