@derek-m I think you're right - I've had a good look this morning and both the middle and left hand pump had lights on (number 3 - which I believe is maximum flow and this turns on automatically, whereas the one on the right has the setting fixed at number 3) as all thermostats calling for heat. I've tried to follow the pipe run - if I was to hazard a guess, I think the middle one controls the living room area (the manifold for that is in the same room as all the controls and the tank) and the one on the left controls the other manifold - it was difficult to tell! I looked at the control panel with both pumps running still only showing as flow rate of 13. I've still left it on curve compensation and I will see how it goes today.
@derek-m I think you're right - I've had a good look this morning and both the middle and left hand pump had lights on (number 3 - which I believe is maximum flow and this turns on automatically, whereas the one on the right has the setting fixed at number 3) as all thermostats calling for heat. I've tried to follow the pipe run - if I was to hazard a guess, I think the middle one controls the living room area (the manifold for that is in the same room as all the controls and the tank) and the one on the left controls the other manifold - it was difficult to tell! I looked at the control panel with both pumps running still only showing as flow rate of 13. I've still left it on curve compensation and I will see how it goes today.
Do you have a water filter, and if so, has it been cleaned?
doing a bit of research - the picture I showed you yesterday (yes sorry there were many!!) - of what I thought could be the air vent is in fact a Kramer Automatic air vent - found the exact same one on the internet (pic attached) - so I'm guessing I don't need to try and vent the system?
The leftmost pump is the heating circuit circulation pump and the central pump is the primary circulation, ie the one that will always function when the heat pump is in action whether for space heating or DHW.
You have a magnetic filter fitted – the large black item at the top of the pipework on the right hand side of the cylinder.
Mitsubishi EcoDan 8.5 kW ASHP - radiators on a single loop 210l Mitsubishi solar tank Solar thermal 3.94kW of PV
doing a bit of research - the picture I showed you yesterday (yes sorry there were many!!) - of what I thought could be the air vent is in fact a Kramer Automatic air vent - found the exact same one on the internet (pic attached) - so I'm guessing I don't need to try and vent the system?
The air vent should normally be installed at the highest point in the system, since air will accumulate at the upper sections.
What temperatures are you getting on the 4 UFH temperature gauges? Also what are the readings on your controller? Are your rooms still not getting up to temperature?
@harriup I will look later as the pump speeds - it's sunny here - so with solar gain my thermostats are up to temp! I've changed the pump speed to 3 (from 5) and will see if that makes a difference with the flow rate - presume it should - the running now is zero (nothing is calling for it). Then I'll change it back and the higher flow should immediately start - at least that's how it is in the video I've seen of this! Doesn't then answer the question of - should it be higher than 13 - I cannot find anything in my documentation for the parameters for this - i.e. what the range is.
You are right about no insulation - I've got some old dog fleeces which I've wrapped around the copper pipes against the wall!
@derek-m yes the air vent appears to be at highest point. We’ve got some sun here so solar gain - not all zones up to temp yet - pics attached
HarriUp's keen eyes appear to have spotted a filter unit in your system, I would suggest that you clean it and see if that improves the flow rate. I'm afraid the pictures were not attached.
@harriup I will look later as the pump speeds - it's sunny here - so with solar gain my thermostats are up to temp! I've changed the pump speed to 3 (from 5) and will see if that makes a difference with the flow rate - presume it should - the running now is zero (nothing is calling for it). Then I'll change it back and the higher flow should immediately start - at least that's how it is in the video I've seen of this! Doesn't then answer the question of - should it be higher than 13 - I cannot find anything in my documentation for the parameters for this - i.e. what the range is.
You are right about no insulation - I've got some old dog fleeces which I've wrapped around the copper pipes against the wall!
I assume that you have changed the pump speed on the controller, I suspect this will have no effect, since I do believe that your pump speed is not being controlled by the controller. You will need to use the buttons on the actual pumps to change their speed.
You have the correct pipe insulation installed, since dog fleeces may cover something that should not be covered.
@derek-m if it's being controlled by the pumps themselves - there are only 3 settings and they are both up to max. The fleece is only on copper pipes which are against the outside wall - I can feel they have hot water - so it's only those I've used - probably won't make a great deal of difference !
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