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My ASHP Installation: Mitsubishi Ecodan 14kW

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Thanks Derek. I was thinking more along the lines of the wind chill having an impact on the heat pump’s evaporator, not the fabric of the house and the heat loss it directly contributes to structure.

What Kev got me thinking was if it’s 10C outside, but there’s a wind that contributes to a real feel of 8C, does that adversely affect the ASHP’s performance. Is it therefore more beneficial to shield an ASHP from wind. 

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Hi Mars,

Shielding an ASHP would probably have an adverse effect rather than a beneficial one. An ASHP requires a flow of air passing through it to blow the cold air away from the Evaporator, since even at -10C the ambient air is warmer than the refrigerant gas inside the Evaporator. Hence the need for a fan.

Wind chill, is how we humans describe the cooling effect, that we feel when the wind blows the layer of air, that has been warmed by our skin, away, and replaces it with colder air.

Measuring the ambient air temperature with a thermometer would produce the same reading whether it is windy or calm.

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Posted by: @derek-m

Hi Mars,

Did you try any of the suggestions about reducing water flow and/or room temperatures?

If so, what were the results?

It was quite odd, because I tried to change the temperature to 40C last week but our settings refused to save this, and kept reverting back to 45C. I got distracted with some projects and forgot about this. I’ve just emailed GES to make the change. Will monitor differences in consumption and see if it’s made a difference.

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Posted by: @derek-m

Measuring the ambient air temperature with a thermometer would produce the same reading whether it is windy or calm.

Thanks Derek. 

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A brief update.  Nothing to report on the ASHP itself other than I gave it a good clean to get rid of all the grass, leaves and dead wasps it had on it (we had a nest nearby).  

Most importantly, I just applied for the RHI and it's all gone through instantly.  I assume the supplier had done all they had to and the application was just waiting. I'll be getting a fraction over £400 per quarter, CPI-linked, total £11,232 over 7 years.  That's against a total cost to me of £16,500 for everything including new pipes and radiators.  So, just over £5k for a shiny new, green heating system.  Even better, I should save a bit on heating and HW costs compared with my old immersion/storage heaters; probably £1000+ per year at today's prices.    

I'm getting MMSP installed so will update again when that's done.   



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@kev-m is it a requirement that smart electricity meters are installed?  What benefit to you does MMSP offer apart from precise information?

One last question, did JL Phillips instal a Neostat to your system or the Mitsubishi wifi thermostat/controller?

Retrofitted 11.2kw Mitsubishi Ecodan to new radiators commissioned November 2021.
14 x 500w Monocrystalline solar panels.

2 ESS Smile G3 10.1 batteries.
ESS Smile G3 5kw inverter.

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Posted by: @morgan

@kev-m is it a requirement that smart electricity meters are installed?  What benefit to you does MMSP offer apart from precise information?

One last question, did JL Phillips instal a Neostat to your system or the Mitsubishi wifi thermostat/controller?

MMSP you get paid some extra cash

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
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Nice one @kev-m. Both you and I have the winter test to undertake. 
I wonder if I should buy Mrs JC some vests for Christmas as a joke? 😂

Daikin Altherma 3H HT 12kWh ASHP with Mixergy h/w cylinder; 4kW solar PV with Solic 200 electric diverter; Honda e and new Hyundai Ioniq 5 N electric vehicles with Myenergi Zappi mk1 charger

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@morgan, I have 2 x ESI wireless thermostats.  I know there has been a bit of discussion about whether that's the right way to go but it seems to work well (although we haven't experienced very cold weather).  I was offered the Mitsubuishi wireless one but said no because it was quite a bit more expensive.  I'll see how it goes this winter and can always change if it's problematic.   

We don't have a smart meter.  MMSP was for the informatiion and analysis, to be able to make changes and monitor the effect better.  As @Julianc says, You get more RHI money; it should pay for itself and generate a small surplus. 

@julianC, that would not go down well with Mrs M!  


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Hi all,

I've recently had a 5kW Vaillant Aerotherm plus installed (3 bed new build) which runs DHW and UFH/rads. The hot water side appears to work fine but the rads weren't getting warm at the top, installer now fixed this and they get hot but now the storage tank side of things is much louder (tank is upstairs in airing cupboard type set up) and is annoying! Is the system meant to be that loud? It wasn't before the fix. Any advice from others with the system would be much appreciated. Also recently switched on the underfloor heating and it is very patchy?


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@saz, I don’t think the storage tank should make any noise. Ours doesn’t. Our dull noise comes from the distribution pump that circulates water through the CH system. 

Which tank have they installed and can you describe the noise?

Maybe @grahamh and @heacol have some insights.

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Hi Saz,

It sounds like you have air in your system.

Your installer should have bled all the air from your system, but may not have done so. I would call them back.

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