My Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kw Heat pump doesn't work as inverter continuosly, but more like as an on-off machine. I tried to change many settings on controller, but it still works 30 minutes and then going off 5-10 minutes. Please help how to setup it work continuosly without pause and not to stop when reaches flow temperature (37c). Here are thermistors readings
And screen shot of consumption from the PV invertor, as Heat pump is connected to it:
This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by bialk
My Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5 kw Heat pump doesn't work as inverter continuosly, but more like as an on-off machine. I tried to change many settings on controller, but it still works 30 minutes and then going off 5-10 minutes. Please help how to setup it work continuosly without pause and not to stop when reaches flow temperature (37c). Here are thermistors readings
And screen shot of consumption from the PV invertor, as Heat pump is connected to it:
Some more information required, as a start:
Are you running in Weather Compensation mode?
What is the outside temperature where you are?
Have you radiators or underfloor heating
What size/type is your house?
Have you any form of thermostats working in zones/rooms?
1. No WC active. I tried it, but no change. Now it works on 37c heating mode water temperature.
2. Outside temperature is from minus 3 to plus 6 Celsius.
3. Have 3 radiators and 2 heat water convectors. No DHW installed.
The house is 90 m2, inside Temps are 21-23c.
No thermostat in rooms. Only controller from FTC to one room.
I wonder why Heat pump stops, instead working with less power. When outside temperature is under 0c it may defrost, but it tends to stop even when Temps are 5-10 degrees.
1. No WC active. I tried it, but no change. Now it works on 37c heating mode water temperature.
2. Outside temperature is from minus 3 to plus 6 Celsius.
3. Have 3 radiators and 2 heat water convectors. No DHW installed.
The house is 90 m2, inside Temps are 21-23c.
No thermostat in rooms. Only controller from FTC to one room.
I wonder why Heat pump stops, instead working with less power. When outside temperature is under 0c it may defrost, but it tends to stop even when Temps are 5-10 degrees.
Thanks for replay. It seems my house is well insulated and Pump reaches Temps quickly. What do Min, Normal and Max mean in this table? Should I change to Min settings through Quiet mode (one bar) in service menu?
Thanks for replay. It seems my house is well insulated and Pump reaches Temps quickly. What do Min, Normal and Max mean in this table? Should I change to Min settings through Quiet mode (one bar) in service menu?
I'm not exactly sure what nominal is; I think it's the compressor speed its official ratings are done at. P55 of the data book gives some info. Min is lowest, max is highest and medium is 80 percent of nominal. I think quite mode limits compressor speed but I don't know what it changes it to. It should modulate down to min when it has to without being on quiet mode.
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