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MIDEA MHC-V16W/D2RN8-Β Power Input Limitation

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Hello, I would like to ask a question.

I have installed a MIDEA MHC-V16W/D2RN8-Β heat pump with MIDEA fan coils and when the weather is hot outside (>15oC) it cycles a lot at the heat mode...

There is an option "Power Input Limitation" on the service menu. Does this reduce the capacity of the heat pump in order to have less cycling?

I have made some tests but I cannot figure what exactly happens with that option.

Thank you very much!

(I'm sorry for my bad English) 

power input limitation

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I performed some more tests...

With power input limitation set to 8, the lowest output that I get from the ASHP is around 3kW with 10oC external temperature at 38oC water temperature (with WC).

With this setup I have now 2 cycles / hour ... I think it is better now...

There is no option to measure the COP but I consume 12kWh/24h for heating (140 sq.m. - fancoil thermsotats set at 23-24oC) 

Have you managed to make it work lower?

Thank you very much!

This post was modified 8 months ago by LamprosT


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