12kW Samsung ASHP w...
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12kW Samsung ASHP with Hive thermostat – help needed please

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Posted by: @lfranklin
  1. @derek-m yes the vessel (buffer I think new one says) was exchanged and is fully pressurised and have checked system fully for any air.

Do you have a suitable thermometer or thermometers that could be used to measure both room temperatures, and could also be taped to radiators and pipework (with suitable insulation) to measure the system temperatures.

Starting from the pipework leaving the heat pump, could you work your way through the system and provide both wide angle and close up photo's of any equipment that you locate, things like valves, pumps, cylinders etc.


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Posted by: @william1066

Posted by: @derek-m

We can then try to go through your system operation in a logical and systematic manner.

@lfranklin - there is definitely two (or potentially more) components to this, and as Derek said, being systematic will speed things up.  From what I can determine in the thread, there are a whole bunch of things that need addressing.  My summary is as follows.

  1. can hear expansion vessel working and its very annoying when trying to sleep
  2. struggling with system not heating two rads on the system
  3. added a second pump onto the return side of the system trying to fix problem 2 above and that seemed to help for a few hours when first installed but now not coming back on again
  4. if i turn the TRV off on others earlier in the system off the last two do get warm but even then not hot
  5. We had solar installed at the time too (16 x 405w panels) and even that isn't working right at just 1-1.8kwh per day generation at the moment
  6. wired remote controller showing water pump and some other bits and a very high heat water temp on main front screen even though heating has been off
  7. heating stopped all together today despite pump running and eating lots of electric!
  8. DHW not getting up to temp and so not letting the radiators have hot water

1,2,3,4 and 8 could be combined into a single group, which is likely [mostly] plumbing rather than heat pump settings related. (with the caveat that for heat pumps you should be going for warm radiators, not hot radiators)

Item 5 probably needs its own thread on this forum.

6 is likely config/understanding of the Samsung Gen6 system operation

7 probably a mixture of hive, samsung settings, plumbing

I can probably help with 6, the rest, not so much.

To save me having to forage through the Samsung manual, do you know where the control settings for booster or back up heaters are located, and if they can be disabled if necessary?

From what @lfranklin has previously stated, you have correctly identified that there could be a number of issues.

My suggestion would be to initially set the system to operate in fixed LWT mode, and then carry out temperature measurements around the system to try to identify where the heat energy is flowing. Could you therefore explain how to set the system to fixed LWT at say 40C?


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@derek-m The easiest way that I found to do this was to set the weather compensation to 40 at minimum and 40 at maximum outside temperatures. That way it’s always going to be 40° C. There is another way, I presume but I haven’t found it!


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@derek-m I do know where the settings are for booster/backup heaters are 🙂

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Posted by: @mike-h

@derek-m The easiest way that I found to do this was to set the weather compensation to 40 at minimum and 40 at maximum outside temperatures. That way it’s always going to be 40° C. There is another way, I presume but I haven’t found it!

Thanks Mike, much appreciated. 👍 


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Posted by: @lfranklin

@derek-m I do know where the settings are for booster/backup heaters are 🙂

I presume that you have them switched off or disabled at the moment?


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@derek-m no I think that the booster heater is set to come on for last 10 mins of heating if not at temp.


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Posted by: @lfranklin

@derek-m no I think that the booster heater is set to come on for last 10 mins of heating if not at temp.


How is your system set to operate at the moment? Is it in heating or DHW? Do you intend to provide the requested photo's? Do you have any thermometers?


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Posted by: @derek-m

To save me having to forage through the Samsung manual, do you know where the control settings for booster or back up heaters are located, and if they can be disabled if necessary?

The booster heater can be disabled [#3031], but you can also disable it by making sure your hot water is on economical setting, not standard, power or forced.  That you can do in the schedul

The benefit of leaving it enabled is to speed things up when needed, by just changing the mode on the remote controller (not so convenient if in the loft)



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Posted by: @lfranklin

I think that the booster heater is set to come on for last 10 mins of heating if not at temp.

#3032 and #3033 will tell you when and for how long

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Posted by: @lfranklin

I think that the booster heater is set to come on for last 10 mins of heating if not at temp.

Note: there is an element of "lost in translation" in all the heat pump manuals, but this is what they say.

In Power or Forced mode the booster heater starts without any delay (so ignores) FSV #3032

In Economic mode the DHW heating is via the heat pump only (I think this only applies if your target HW temperature is 55 degC or less. see page 34 of the manual)

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@derek-m Hi, my apologies I will go out at weekend and get some thermometers etc and provide photos. Sorry for delay

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