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Happy Heat Pump Day

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I thought I’d repost this from @grahamh that he posted on social media today because it’s interesting: 

Happy heat pump day. 

Its the 12th April, the 101st day of the year and today marks the day you will have consumed exactly half your years energy with your heat pump.
So please read the meter and you can see exactly what you will consume over the whole year.

I have used 2070kWhrs since the first of January so my total will be about 4200kWhrs by Xmas.

2022 is going to be an exciting year to be in heat pumps, I see some really exciting developments and new kit and the industry moving in two very distinct directions.
The first is the high install cost, ultra high efficiency, low temperature solution we have been using for the last 10 years, perfect for the purists.
The second is the quick, easy, high temperature, low cost, and low impact (on the house, no rad changes) solution of boiler replacement with lower efficiency's for people who want to go green but without too much fuss.

I dont care which route people take, a heat pump is better than any boiler, its the modern way to heat your house. Happy heat pump day. its ok to celebrate with cakes and fireworks if you want to, you have my permission.

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Sorry @grahamh but I'm finding it hard to celebrate when I'm stuck with a system that is less efficient than my old one, and therefore more expensive to run. So I'd be tempted to drown my sorrows with an alcoholic beverage instead!

Graham Hendra
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sounds like you had best call the installer back and get them to give it a tweak, it shouldn't be costing more. 

Heat pump expert

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@grahamh Ah but Graham, no amount of tweaking is going to reverse if from being a high temp to a standard one? Despite me having a well-insulated (allegedly) house with UFH and Stelrad type rads someone decided a high temp pump was necessary to replace my old Dimplex.

Also, despite all the marketing materials of the new pump banging on about the system being able to perform the legionella cycle without the need for an immersion, mine is wired in so an immersion is involved.

If, as is claimed, this system is better at providing hot water (which tbh I see no evidence of, I actually find it worse), this makes no sense financially either when generally annual hot water demand is much lower than heating demand.

I really wish you still did trouble-shooting diagnostics, I'd book you in like a shot! 😉 


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