Grant Aerona Setbac...
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Grant Aerona Setback

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I'm just looking for a little advice on Setback. I have a Grant Aerona 17kW and a Hive Thermostat.

Grant suggest having a Setback:

 ‘Setback’ control operation should be used instead which allow the heat pump to keeping running. This involves the system being in ‘energised’ mode during the hours when you are at home, running at the required higher flow temperature, and then it operates in ‘setback’ mode, setting to a lower flow temperature during the night and when you are away from the home. Using this cycle of ‘energised’ and ‘setback’ temperatures, the heat pump can operate very efficiently and can effectively keep the home warm.

They suggest 'setting a flow temperature' but this has nothing to do with the temperature of the thermostat which simply turns the heat pump on/off, which is exactly what they are suggesting you don't do? How exactly do you achieve this? Grant doesn't seem to provide any flow temperature controls.

I feel like I might need to get myself another degree to make sense of this 😀 


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Grant Aerona 3 10kW


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