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Ecodan Wireless Controller changing the room temperature target itself

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Has anyone with the Ecodan Wireless controller experienced it changing the target room temperature itself. Mine has happily sat at 18.5 degrees for all of the last 12 months. However twice in the last week it has automatically changed itself to 29.5 degrees. This has caused complete chaos with the flow temps and cycling!

Any ideas? I am wondering whether the batteries might be going.

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Mine has not missed a beat since installation in 2019 and is still using the original set of batteries.  Have you set any form of schedule in Melcloud?

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Strange! Indeed perhaps a schedule on the physical controller or MELCloud?
Or could it be that the heat pump is by itself switching to fixed flow temp mode and displaying the flow temperature.

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This definitely sounds like a scheduling issue. Our iBoost from a few years ago had a random immersion boost twice a week when it was fitted, which spiked our electricity use unnecessarily, and we have no idea why it was set like that. We found and removed it.

I’d suggest you have a look at the schedule and see if there’s a random boost or off-peak setting activated. These can sometimes get overlooked.

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Posted by: @hjd

Has anyone with the Ecodan Wireless controller experienced it changing the target room temperature itself. Mine has happily sat at 18.5 degrees for all of the last 12 months. However twice in the last week it has automatically changed itself to 29.5 degrees. This has caused complete chaos with the flow temps and cycling!

Any ideas? I am wondering whether the batteries might be going.

had the same issue.

Strange as it may sound I changed the batteries in the wireless controller.

Bobs your uncle 


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Thanks all for your suggestions and input. I'm pretty certain no schedule has been set so I am going to try changing the batteries as @westkent suggested as will report back if it solves the problem.



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