Ecodan settings - f...
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Ecodan settings - fine tuning

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i have a few questions about the Ecodan settings. We just got a new Zubadan external unit installed together with this giant Ecodan unit.

There are two floors in our house, top with floor heating and bottom with rads.


First off, i have zero prior experience with heating so please bear with me. The first question i have is about the compensation curve. When i went to set that, i found out that my unit doesn't have the pencil edit options as the videos i saw online (Link)

Mine only has the view option and there is no edit option on other settings either. Does anyone know what is the cause of this and how to get the option of editing?


Second question i have is about zones. I saw that Ecodan supports zones and i would like to have a lower temp. water going through floor heating than rads, both to save on electricity and to make regulating temperature easier, as i do not have a thermostat but change floor heating valves by hand depending on how warm i want the floor to be. How would i go setting this up and what are the requirements? 


Thanks in advance and happy holidays.

This topic was modified 2 years ago by Nevtrus

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I also have an Ecodan Zubadan 


you can access the curve in the same way but hold the round button for 5+ seconds (ie longer) to see the edit icons


I would advise not over complicating the setup with zones. I had two zones and stats on each room and area. Since taking all these off and running most things open my COP has increased quite a bit. 

have a look on YouTube for the Heat Geek channel and watch the codes about optimising your system and zoning. 

250sqm house. 30kWh Sunsynk/Pylontech battery system. 14kWp solar. Ecodan 14kW. BMW iX.

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@benseb Thanks for replying. 

I will try that out, thank you.

I have the unit two months and default settings had COP of around 2.2 and now with a different curve it's around 2.7 or .2.8, however i hardly played with any in depth settings yet. 

I just checked the Heat geek videos but didn't find any specific settings for Ecodan and as always, the manufacturers have different names for same things or at least presented in a bit of a different way, so it was hard to find anything concrete that i would say "aah yes now i know what to do". Do you mind sharing what did you find made the biggest impact for you? How much is your max water temperature set for example, how much are your water and heating pump speed set at etc. and most importantly, what kind of curve would you advise to start from / what works for you? What i have right now is only one linear curve of 55c heat at -30c outside, and it seems that the heat temp at main display says 43c.




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I have managed to set the curve now and changed max water temperature to 43 (with legionella mode once per week for 1h, max temp 5 min)

Cop is almost 3.0 for December, so i assume that is decent. I will leave as is and see how it goes but do i do wonder if you have any other advice. Link to images



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