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Does your heat pump calculate and provide you with a COP figure or do you need additional metering equipment to work out your COP? Poll is created on Nov 27, 2022


Does your heat pump calculate and provide you with a COP figure?

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Posted by: @batalto

@cathoderay could you emulate an Android phone on the PC and capture the data coming in. Maybe via wireshark?

Or would it work on  Chromebook? You can run some Android apps on them. 




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@scrchngwsl there is an API. This python repo might be a good starting point

There are also integrations for Home Assistant and Node Red that I've seen floating about. I don't know about R, but that should give you something to work with. 

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I've just started a new thread on this, also found some python modules that are Midea specific. They are for air conditioners and dehumidifiers but they do use MSmartHome, and it may be possible to tweak the code to get it to work with Midea heat pumps. New thread is here <=link.


Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW


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Posted by: @kev-m

Or would it work on  Chromebook? You can run some Android apps on them. 

I haven't got a Chromebook either, just a PC and a rudimentary smartphone, which allows me to use the Midea app but that's about it, no way of getting data from the app except by manual means. See above post about python possibilities. 

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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@oswiu Thanks Oswiu, I use the Home Assistant integration and have looked at pymelcloud as well (the HA integration uses pymelcloud iirc). Unfortunately there are two problems: (1) pymelcloud only gives you the basic temperature information - it doesn't give you any energy consumption / production stats; (2) it's still using basically the same method: pretend to be a normal web browser user, log in to the MELcloud website, grab the cookie, then query the internal API using your cookie. The script I've written does the same thing, except it asks for energy consumption and production stats instead of just temperature stats.

ASHP: Mitsubishi Ecodan 8.5kW
PV: 5.2kWp
Battery: 8.2kWh

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@batalto which app is this sorry (for Midea) there are several on the iOS app store and I can’t find any that give me this view.

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So far, everyone has to jump through hoops to get the COP. Crazy.

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@editor I have to say, I don't really need to jump through hoops. My issue is that I think the data isn't quite detailed enough. Just a decimal point is all I'm asking for

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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Interesting thread. I've had my Mitsubishi Ecodan heat pump for about 18 months now and have been generally very happy with it; my energy bills were nice and low in the first year. Recently I received an alert from the MelCloud app which turned out to be a problem with the plumbing rather than the heat pump itself, which has now been fixed. But along the way, it became obvious that the 'electricity consumed' and 'heat delivered' numbers on Mitsubishi wall controller are garbage; they sometimes suggest the hp alone has consumed more electricity in a day than the smart meter says has been consumed by the entire house. The implied COP is horrible - scarcely more than 1. But then Mitsubishi helpdesk engineers always tell me these numbers are unreliable, and on the MelCloud app they are described as 'indicative', whatever that is supposed to mean. Long story short, there's no way to reliably calculate COP. So...can anyone recommend a cheap and reliable external monitoring system that combines electricity in, heat out, and flow rate, and which spits out easy to read graphics and sends out alerts when necessary? 


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Posted by: @davidkt

can anyone recommend a cheap and reliable external monitoring system that combines electricity in, heat out, and flow rate, and which spits out easy to read graphics and sends out alerts when necessary? 

Depends what you mean by cheap, but the short answer for most people is no. Energy in isn't that complicated, but energy out is, as is the monitoring itself. If it wasn't included at installation time, you will need third party hardware that costs hundreds of pounds and is not that easy to set up, some options being invasive (you have to break into the system), and then you need to set up a monitoring system.

There's quite a lot already on the forum on the various options, have a read around and you will get the picture. 

Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW

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@cathoderay Thank you - good advice. I'll be talking to Missubishi again on Monday, and hope to get myself onto a third-party pilot to avoid some of the extra cost.

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@batalto hi ..I'm new to most of this ashp stuff, we had a midea 16kw ashp fitted  in may 2023 with new water tank and 11 new radiators fitted with solar panels and inverter under the government grant eco4 and I'm just getting to grips with it (I think) the WC down to 35@-3 and 30@17 .it's now costing about £12.00 a day total electric bill (we are all electric) detached 4 bed house (226 sq ft) well insulated, rads are just warm.. I've been turning the heating off from 1am to 6am to keep costs down but will try it over 24 hours to compare costs. When the fitters left it was costing £26 per day running costs and as we're are pensioners I just wasn't a viable proposition to leave it running so as soon as it got cold I started taking daily reading as I dropped the WC ..I'm a lot happier with the whole system sure how the hot water works I've got it on 46c but it's normally only 38c I presume it's because the WC is so low ?

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