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diy remove DHW

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I have an ASHP which is far too big for our ability to pay for the electricity. I want to remove it (16Kw Samsung three months use last winter) and the DHW to sell on ebay. The ridiculous cylinder with wasteful pumps and legonella robbery is only supplying one kitchen tap.
Does anyone know a link that will explain how to dismantle so that it remains useful when sold?

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Posted by: @jswhite

I have an ASHP which is far too big for our ability to pay for the electricity. I want to remove it (16Kw Samsung three months use last winter) and the DHW to sell on ebay. The ridiculous cylinder with wasteful pumps and legonella robbery is only supplying one kitchen tap.
Does anyone know a link that will explain how to dismantle so that it remains useful when sold?

No, but there is plenty of help here to help you run it more efficiently. 

If you really want to remove it ask on one of the Facebook ASHP groups. 

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Hi Key m
The background (a small part of it is in the link above). I have read some examples on this forum of people who have more space to heat and do so successfully with a much smaller HPs. 4 or 5Kw? I have 55sqmtrs to heat with two UFH rooms and an extra radiator in one of them. In the depths of winter we only need one room.
The direct hot water is not right for the occasional washing of dishes and we will replace with an inline electric element.
I understand there is glycol in one of the pressure vessels around the tank and I want to remove it safely before taking out the tank altogether.
I am a complete amateur and if I am being wrong headed about this I am not averse to being told but the history of this is that two winters ago we were cold for a month with a frozen oil tank/boiler. Last winter we watched the smart meter costs go beyond our ability to pay, and the coming winter expect it to be three times higher, just not possible.


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5606 kWhs
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Posted by: @jswhite

Hi Key m
The background (a small part of it is in the link above). I have read some examples on this forum of people who have more space to heat and do so successfully with a much smaller HPs. 4 or 5Kw? I have 55sqmtrs to heat with two UFH rooms and an extra radiator in one of them. In the depths of winter we only need one room.
The direct hot water is not right for the occasional washing of dishes and we will replace with an inline electric element.
I understand there is glycol in one of the pressure vessels around the tank and I want to remove it safely before taking out the tank altogether.
I am a complete amateur and if I am being wrong headed about this I am not averse to being told but the history of this is that two winters ago we were cold for a month with a frozen oil tank/boiler. Last winter we watched the smart meter costs go beyond our ability to pay, and the coming winter expect it to be three times higher, just not possible.

I'll reply in the other thread. 


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