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ASHP Install from hell part 1 - the schematic - EXPERTS PLEASE VIEW

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@saf1973, good to hear you’re making progress, and also glad to hear you’ve got a case open. Please keep us updated on the case because I’m keen to hear how that goes. You’re one of the first people I know who has lodged a formal complaint. If you get a resolution, and the case is closed with no legal ramifications, would you consider writing an article on your complaint experience which I think would be hugely helpful to other homeowners that are stuck with bodged installations?

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@editor will do, although now I have a decent plumber I think I may actually get this resolved before MCS/NICEIC have to press further.  But I will write a short guide on the process as the MCS emails could be better written so its a bit confusing to get going.


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This is the best guide to the Daikin Mono controller I've seen.  It helped to resolve the issue of the hidden Installer menu items.


(29) Daikin Altherma Heat Pump Hydrobox C Series Controller Tour Of The Installer Menu - YouTube

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Posted by: @saf1973

@editor will do, although now I have a decent plumber I think I may actually get this resolved before MCS/NICEIC have to press further.


IMHO, it's more difficult to fix someone else's mistakes than to do it right yourself in the first place so if he or she does actually resolve your issues don't forget to big him or her up here as well. 

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Posted by: @saf1973

@editor will do, although now I have a decent plumber I think I may actually get this resolved before MCS/NICEIC have to press further.  But I will write a short guide on the process as the MCS emails could be better written so its a bit confusing to get going.

I would appreciate that, and then I can raise it MCS to see if they can simply or clarify things.

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@saf1973, does that mean you’re having to pay for this work additionally, or will you be reimbursed in any way by HIES or MCS.

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@editor , it's still with the Original company so I'm not paying any extra.  Solartherm subcontract all their plumbing works out so they so just got another plumber in to remove and install properly.    I will say, although he is a good plumber, he is still not a heat pump engineer.   I had to work out where the hidden menu items are in the controller, so again, they are not sending around people who know about heat pumps.

Any plumber with a schematic should be able to plumb it properly, I could have done it myself as a decent DIY'er but I need that MCS certificate to get the RHI.

Solartherm had sent around a surveyor who measured all the rooms and windows yet their plumbers turn up with zero schematics and throw in a buffer without question.  Its clear that the survey was just a tick box rather than putting it through a design.   Throw in the largest heat pump and then throw in a buffer to compensate for the lack of proper sizing, and its the consumer who ends up paying for the wasted energy of that buffer and the cost of installing it in the first place.

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