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2 bedroom bungalow with a Daikin ASHP

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@markc Thank you.

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@derek-m Ok thanks Derek. We are not tech savvy. Our neighbours are now involved as is the developer as we have all been left a little in the dark. We do have manuals, but no proper handover and all of us have never had this type of system before. We were told it was efficient, which to us also means cost effective but it seems this not now the case.

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Although not tech savvy enough to tinker with our ASHP system, these forums are just brilliant and a great way to use tech, so much expertise to share, and thank you all. We have contacted the developer jointly with several neighbours. We are going to keep all thermostats at a constant of 20 during day and reduce them down by 3 degrees overnight. The cost is astronomical and not what we expected and of course increased prices have not helped, but we will just have to grin and bear that for now, at least we need to be sure that the system has been set up properly and that we get better heat distribution. Will keep you posted. Presently though am longing for my gas fire and gas boiler, so if there any good ASHP stories feel free to help me change my mind. 

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Posted by: @littlered

@derek-m Ok thanks Derek. We are not tech savvy. Our neighbours are now involved as is the developer as we have all been left a little in the dark. We do have manuals, but no proper handover and all of us have never had this type of system before. We were told it was efficient, which to us also means cost effective but it seems this not now the case.

Hi LittleRed,

Heat pumps can be quite efficient when commissioned correctly, though it would appear that is not the case in your situation. If you can provide the requested information and then we can guide you through the adjustment procedure. It should not be too difficult.

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Posted by: @littlered

Although not tech savvy enough to tinker with our ASHP system, these forums are just brilliant and a great way to use tech, so much expertise to share, and thank you all. We have contacted the developer jointly with several neighbours. We are going to keep all thermostats at a constant of 20 during day and reduce them down by 3 degrees overnight. The cost is astronomical and not what we expected and of course increased prices have not helped, but we will just have to grin and bear that for now, at least we need to be sure that the system has been set up properly and that we get better heat distribution. Will keep you posted. Presently though am longing for my gas fire and gas boiler, so if there any good ASHP stories feel free to help me change my mind. 

If any of your neighbours have the same design/model of bungalow/property you are in a great position to test alternative setups to see which performs the best.

e.g. one of you set room temps at 21ºC during the day and 18ºC at night.

The other keep a constant 21ºC all day and night and compare electricity usage over a few days.

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@derek-m I don't know the kw size of the ASHP (where can I find this ?). As for the floor measurements I only have the developer floor plan which I have attached below.

Picture 1



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Thanks, @markc good idea.

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@littlered there should be some kind of plate on the HP which will state the model number - then Dr google will be your friend in finding the rating of the pump.

Also on your flow rate question - NO - the flow rate should be as high as possible. The heat is coming from the water, a lower flow rate means less hot water available for you to transfer heat from. The water is losing heat as it moves around your house - the slower it moves the colder it will be at the very end and the hotter it needs to be at the start. Ideally you want a high volume of warm water delivering a constant warmth.

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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Hi LittleRed,

Thank you for providing the plans. From the size of your home you should be using a small fraction of the energy you appear to be using, so your system definitely needs to be correctly configured and optimised. Could I ask where you live? Are any of your neighbours a little more tech savvy? As Batalto stated, there should be a label attached to your ASHP, possibly on the side or at the rear, which will give the model details. If you could take a photo or just jot down the details that would be useful.

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Posted by: @derek-m


Hi LittleRed,

Thank you for providing the plans. From the size of your home you should be using a small fraction of the energy you appear to be using, so your system definitely needs to be correctly configured and optimised. Could I ask where you live? Are any of your neighbours a little more tech savvy? As Batalto stated, there should be a label attached to your ASHP, possibly on the side or at the rear, which will give the model details. If you could take a photo or just jot down the details that would be useful.


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@derek-m Hi, we live just outside Penrith, where we had snow yesterday and today, so it is cold outside. Photos of air pump from outside attached with the only labels I could find but can hardly read. Do you need photos of what we have in the loft and also pipes we have in a cupboard showing the valves? Thanks for helping.

IMG 1967
IMG 1966
IMG 1968
IMG 1965


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