Posted by: @craig1980I was on what I believe is value #4. The one that says pump 3. This was giving the affect of short cycling. I'm listening by the UVC not the outside unit so my timings may be off as I was just basing it off of the noise of the water pumps. I'm not sure what tells it to turn off.
PHE In and out are flow temps in and out. Not sure what relevance the Teva temps have to the system but interesting that yours has -50 too.
Thanks Craig. What setting are you on now for 2092 and 2093? Also I note that you ran it for a short period without weather compensation at fixed flow temperatures. Can you outline the steps you took to do so? I can't work out how to do that.
I'm on value 2 that says pump 1.
I used this YouTube clip to get away from WC. There is probably an easier/better way but this way served it's purpose.
@derek-m Samsung gen 6 short cycling
Missing PWM Signal from SAMSUNG.
Following a recent visit by a SAMSUNG Engineer , one solution to my "short cycling" was the use of the PWM option shown in the SAMSUNG MANUAL .....
When told that I had tried to use the PWM Option to reduce the violent "short cycling" the SAMSUNG Engineer expressed no surprise , saying that he did not know "Why the PWM System did NOT WORK on many SAMSUNG HEAT PUMPS!.
A PWM Motor control "would reduce the violent switching apparent on the System Power load" .....
The System was previously fitted with a 50 litre "Volumising tank" and a Heat Exchanger in vain attempts by my then "installer" at reducing the "short Cycling".
My "Installer" has now been "STUCK OFF TWICE by the MCS,NIC ,RECC it is down to me , to fix this.
Where can I get a SAMSUNG Control PCB with a working PWM Driver?
My Visiting SAMSUNG ENGINEER also proposed the "solution" on page 23 of the SAMSUNG Installation manual.
This additional relay would increase the unreliability with TWO Relays in series!
Something is amiss with the SAMSUNG Explanation.
Are you operating your heat pump in Weather Compensation (WC) mode, and if so, what are the settings?
@derek-m Weather compensation settings.
My SAMSUNG HEAT PUMP has been run with Weather Compensation ( SAMSUNG WATER LAW ) since November.
Weather compensation saves about 7% on my other problem , the excessive Energy consumption caused by a low COP ( < 2.9 ) .
Weather compensation was enabled with field bit 2091 using options 2,3 or 4 experimentally. All settings in agreement with the visiting SAMSUNG Engineer.
The Volumising tank is connected by a valve and can be disconnected experimentally to no great effect.
After the excessive consumption during December the HOT WATER SYSTEM has been switched OFF relying on the Volumising tank to provide hot water to "complete de-icing", another problem with my Heat pump!
The visiting SAMSUNG Engineer visibly blushed when asked "why the PWM Motor systems does not work on many SAMSUNG Heat pumps".
It would appear that I need a Control PCB with a working PWM output to feed ONE of my TWO Grundfos PWM Hybrid FLEX AS PWM motors !
The rest , as they say,........................................................... is silence.
Posted by: @iantelescope@derek-m Weather compensation settings.
My SAMSUNG HEAT PUMP has been run with Weather Compensation ( SAMSUNG WATER LAW ) since November.
Weather compensation saves about 7% on my other problem , the excessive Energy consumption caused by a low COP ( < 2.9 ) .
Weather compensation was enabled with field bit 2091 using options 2,3 or 4 experimentally. All settings in agreement with the visiting SAMSUNG Engineer.
The Volumising tank is connected by a valve and can be disconnected experimentally to no great effect.
After the excessive consumption during December the HOT WATER SYSTEM has been switched OFF relying on the Volumising tank to provide hot water to "complete de-icing", another problem with my Heat pump!
The visiting SAMSUNG Engineer visibly blushed when asked "why the PWM Motor systems does not work on many SAMSUNG Heat pumps".
It would appear that I need a Control PCB with a working PWM output to feed ONE of my TWO Grundfos PWM Hybrid FLEX AS PWM motors !
The rest , as they say,........................................................... is silence.
Switching on WC may show some improvement in efficiency, but the settings need to be matched to the heat loss of your home. What are the WC settings and what are the LWT and RWT at different outside air temperatures? Do you have any thermostats or TRV's that are operating?
There are quite a number of threads on the forum at the moment, which are discussing the accuracy of energy measurements and COP calculations. A COP of 2.9 in colder weather is not too bad.
What is the size of your home and the electrical energy consumption?
Do you have a buffer tank, low loss header or plate heat exchanger within your system?
All heat pumps need to defrost during colder weather operation, so yours is not unique.
Was a PMW controlled water pump specified in the quotation, in which case a Control PCB should have been installed as part of the package.
@derek-m My SAMSUNG HEAT PUMP Problems.....
Given I live in Scotland I have moved the Water Law Curves down to a -5 C Outside temperature with a flow water temperature of 45 C.
Field bits 201,202 1nd 203 .
The Samsung Heat came fitted with an unwanted, Heat Exchanger.
A 50 litre Volumising tank was installed some four months after the initial installation , fitted to "allow the Heat Exchanger to complete DE-icing ( SAMSUNG Dalliam)".
The Heat pump is fitted with both Electrical power input meters and a output Heat Water meter giving the Actual REAL COP as
My "installer" has now been Struck OFF TWICE by the NIC.
I have not been permitted to see the SAMSUNG report into my "installation" but the audible silence from my "installer", the MCS,NIC,RECC Regulatory "Charities" and SAMSUNG themselves speaks volumes..
The visiting SAMSUNG ENGINEER advised fitting the extra Relay " to prevent excessive arcing on the SAMSUNG PCB Relay" . Hmm.....!
See the
following diagram.
Why TWICE? Did they allow him to rejoin after slapping his wrist?
I would suggest that you record the temperatures around your heat exchanger, since you could be loosing maybe 5C between primary and secondary water temperatures. Producing LWT 5C higher than required will lower the overall COP.
The only valid reason that I can think of to install a heat exchanger, would be to isolate the primary and secondary water, so that cheaper (toxic) anti-freeze can be used instead of the more expensive (none toxic) type.
@iantelescope run the system open loop, adjust the curve settings down so you are not overshooting in comfort temperature.
Most systems I install, are like this, including my own.
I have a Samsung 16kw 11 years old.
This is my heating run cycles today.
Heat pump installer
11 years ago this was easy ken. But much harder now. Units over the last couple of years don't ramp down much below 30 or 40%. And they really hate running sub 30c flow. It's all to do with the low cops you get at low compressor speeds. Because of the wired obsession with cop not run cost the manufacturers cycle the unit as it gets a better cop. But not necessarily lower run costs.
Heat pump expert
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