Coffee Machine
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Coffee Machine

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We're looking to buy a new coffee machine that makes brews from ground coffee or beans – no pods. 

Anyone have a good machine that they can recommend?

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Posted by: @editor

We're looking to buy a new coffee machine that makes brews from ground coffee or beans – no pods. 

Anyone have a good machine that they can recommend?

Hi Mars,

We have a Morphy Richards with which we are quite happy.

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@editor, are you looking for espresso-style coffee or a filter coffee machine? Most machines at the moment are espresso machines, but it’s well worth remembering the filter coffee machines; they’re not fashionable but are very good value and give great results. Ours cost us about £30

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We have an espresso machine, but usually use a manual cafetiere and one of these.

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Happy to say this is pretty good. We use it every day



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Posted by: @majordennisbloodnok

it’s well worth remembering the filter coffee machines; they’re not fashionable but are very good value and give great results. Ours cost us about £30

Filter machines are mostly a terrible design: the element is fragile, wrapped around a thin pipe, but also used to keep the plate warm, so it fails sooner or later and not all of them can be replaced, with manufacturers delisting spare parts often. I created far too much electrical waste using filter coffee machines before getting my Hario V60 filter jug, which you simply use with a regular kettle (low fill!) or water-boiler. The fluted cone gives far better coffee than most drip machines.

If I want something stronger, I have an induction-hob-compatible moka pot. Pressure boiling takes less energy, I think?

I don't really make enough fancy coffees for a full espresso machine and, when I want a coffee, I definitely don't want to wait for one to preheat (or leave it preheating automatically, using energy).

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I like a good cup of jo, and our neighbours showed us their Cuisinart that they've had for 10 years and it's still going strong. It makes a decent brew, and 10 years is good for modern-day appliances, so we pulled the trigger this weekend because Amazon was (still is) selling it with a 28% discount:

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Posted by: @editor

I like a good cup of jo, and our neighbours showed us their Cuisinart that they've had for 10 years and it's still going strong. It makes a decent brew, and 10 years is good for modern-day appliances, so we pulled the trigger this weekend because Amazon was (still is) selling it with a 28% discount:

Utterly bizarre!

Coffee maker type Espresso Machine"

but then "Makes 2 -12 cups of filter coffee"... so not an espresso machine? I joke about "playing the eBay lottery" but how does anyone know what they're getting from Amazon listings this confused?

They've had it for 10 years, but how much do they use it? I'm sure I've some kitchen things that look like new after 10 years because they've spent almost all that time in a box in a cupboard.

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@mjr, they're big coffee drinkers and they make a full pot several times a day – a lot more than I drink.

As an aside, most coffee that is brewed by coffee machines is espresso, which is then watered down by adding more water to make an Americano, for example. Essentially, this is an espresso Americano maker.

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Posted by: @mjr
Posted by: @editor

I like a good cup of jo, and our neighbours showed us their Cuisinart that they've had for 10 years and it's still going strong. It makes a decent brew, and 10 years is good for modern-day appliances, so we pulled the trigger this weekend because Amazon was (still is) selling it with a 28% discount:

Utterly bizarre!

Coffee maker type Espresso Machine"

but then "Makes 2 -12 cups of filter coffee"... so not an espresso machine? I joke about "playing the eBay lottery" but how does anyone know what they're getting from Amazon listings this confused?

They've had it for 10 years, but how much do they use it? I'm sure I've some kitchen things that look like new after 10 years because they've spent almost all that time in a box in a cupboard.

Don't honestly see what the big deal is. Happens all the time that categories aren't right across all websites.

Amazon have put in an espresso category.

But nothing in the manufacturer info or the reviews talks about it being an espresso machine.

I like as well as it takes beans. Gets reasonable reviews 

We make coffee every day. A lot of people do.

Are you OK, you seem very tense if you don't mind me saying in your last couple of posts. 

This post was modified 2 years ago 2 times by Jeff

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Posted by: @editor

As an aside, most coffee that is brewed by coffee machines is espresso, which is then watered down by adding more water to make an Americano, for example. Essentially, this is an espresso Americano maker.

I'm not touching that. I just suggest never posting that to a coffee forum you want to stay on! 😆

Posted by: @jeff

Don't honestly see what the big deal is.

Amazon false advertising yet again. Their success is probably because people don't see getting misdescribed goods as a big deal. Personally, I prefer to pay a bit more to buy from someone who describes their products accurately.

Posted by: @jeff

Are you OK, you seem very tense if you don't mind me saying in your last couple of posts. 

Well, better than I was (I can see again!) but it wasn't a great morning.

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Posted by: @editor

@mjr, they're big coffee drinkers and they make a full pot several times a day – a lot more than I drink.

As an aside, most coffee that is brewed by coffee machines is espresso, which is then watered down by adding more water to make an Americano, for example. Essentially, this is an espresso Americano maker.

Actually, @editor, that’s not correct. The machine you’ve linked to is indeed a filter coffee machine not an espresso machine. The hot water filters through the coffee grounds rather than being pressurised, meaning you get fewer of the essential oils that are distinctive in Italian style coffee. In fact, it’s the filter taste that I prefer, so I’d probably be happy with that machine.

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