Just came across the BUS statistics and there’s some really interesting data in here regarding average cost of installations and the SE and SW dominate install numbers.
@editor - these stats are always fascinating. Or perhaps I should get out more often. A couple of quotes:
"Since applications for grants opened for the scheme on 23 May 2022, there have been 5,728 BUS voucher applications received up to the end of August 2022, the majority of which were for grants towards Air Source Heat Pump installations (96%). This led to 4,448 vouchers being issued. 2,230 redemption applications were subsequently received, of which 1,822 have been approved and paid. [Table 1.1]"
1,822 approved and paid. Of those 1,779 were ASHPs. That's near enough 1,800 over three months (end of May to end of Aug), or 7,200pa at the same rate. There are roughly 25,000,000 households in E&W (24,782,800 at the last census). At the current rate of BUS funded installations, it will take 3,442 years (roughly three and a half millennia) to upgrade all E&W households (assuming most households are currently not upgraded). All bets are off for what state the planet will be in by then...
"the median cost of a BUS installation of an ASHP was £12,855 with a median capacity of 10KW"
The BUS grant/voucher is £5,000, meaning the median householder contribution to costs was almost £8,000. £8,000 at a time when there is a major cost of living crisis. How many households have that much money sitting around ready to be spent on an ASHP?
The numbers speak for themselves.
In other news, after spending a couple of days in a rapidly cooling house, I have now reluctantly turned my heating back on. As costs last April appeared rather high using a constant LWT, I have now switched back weather comp. Further tests lie ahead...
Midea 14kW (for now...) ASHP heating both building and DHW
Interesting. They are a bit behind the maximum available. The thing that stands out for me is that 50% of vouchers paid out are for systems replacing mains gas. I didn't think it would be that high. Mr Putin to thank for that I suppose.
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