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My experience with the Selpos Mason DIY kit

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Delivery is today... Hurrah

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
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Please take relevant photos which can be posted here @batalto

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@transparent the kit arrived. Glad I had my phone on as DPD didn't even bother to ring the doorbell. Just left it outside and ran off. I got it straight in before it got rained on. POOR DPD - But what more could I expect given I said leave in the porch. Opening a door is a lot of effort, cant expect them to do that much work.

Screenshot 2023 02 22 13 55 38 30 40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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Attached are the images of my unpacking. I'll probably put things together tomorrow. I can 100% confirm the packing has improved. That said, one of the metal braces above the batteries was slightly bent. So must have taken one hell of a bash in transit. The PCB looks fine to me as they are pretty flexible. I've let Seplos know, but I'm not worried. Everything looks good to go!

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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@batalto interesting, mine came with the LCD screen already installed in the unit

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@korwraith that's the second one. I got a new Bluetooth screen for my existing setup to replace the non-bluetooth one

12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE


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Liking the 2nd battery kit.

After looking around I found this 3ph hybrid inverter SUN-5/6/8/10/12K-SG04LP3 | 5-12kW | Three Phase | 2 MPPT | Hybrid Inverter | Low Voltage Battery Inverter Company, Supplier | Deye Inverter Technology

Just wondered what people thought about it, I'm assuming it will talk to the Selpos battery kit as its compatible with the Pylon RS485 and CAN protocol.

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You need to do some more research on such an inverter before asking us about compatibility issues @mookyfoo

The Sun inverter series which you refer to are manufactured by Ningbo in China.
They are a subsiduary of the large Deye Group, and also R&D partners in the Global Tech China Group.
Global Tech China Group is a consortium which produces the Sunsync range of inverters.


Sunsync are headquartered in South Africa, and sell within the UK via a group of nine distributors.

Sunsync are a well organised company whose products are mainly targeted at professional installers, rather than the DIY enthusiasts who are likely to own a Mason box.

The Sunsync range may look identical to those you have found offered by Ningbo themselves.
However, Sunsync are certified for CE safety criteria and G98 for grid-connection within the UK.
The same may not be the case for an inverter bearing the Ningbo badge. You need to check this.

You will require consent from your DNO for a grid connection for this type of inverter, even though the firmware is configured to allow zero-export.

Your DNO will check the details you provide against a database of approved products held by the ENA (Electrical Networks Association).
The Sunsync inverters are on that database, because I checked at the end of last week!


Secondly, just because an inverter and a Seplos Mason battery both have CAN-bus and/or Modbus/RS485 connectivity, does not mean that the manufacturer has done anything useful with it!
It may just be that the inverter allows data from the BMS to be displayed on its App.

You need to think what you want to do with such a suite of hardware and verify that it can be achieved!

This post was modified 2 years ago by Transparent

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Posted by: @transparent

You need to do some more research on such an inverter before asking us about compatibility issues @mookyfoo

The Sun inverter series which you refer to are manufactured by Ningbo in China.
They are a subsiduary of the large Deye Group, and also R&D partners in the Global Tech China Group.
Global Tech China Group is a consortium which produces the Sunsync range of inverters.

-- Attachment is not available --

Sunsync are headquartered in South Africa, and sell within the UK via a group of nine distributors.

Sunsync are a well organised company whose products are mainly targeted at professional installers, rather than the DIY enthusiasts who are likely to own a Mason box.

The Sunsync range may look identical to those you have found offered by Ningbo themselves.
However, Sunsync are certified for CE safety criteria and G98 for grid-connection within the UK.
The same may not be the case for an inverter bearing the Ningbo badge. You need to check this.

You will require consent from your DNO for a grid connection for this type of inverter, even though the firmware is configured to allow zero-export.

Your DNO will check the details you provide against a database of approved products held by the ENA (Electrical Networks Association).
The Sunsync inverters are on that database, because I checked at the end of last week!


Secondly, just because an inverter and a Seplos Mason battery both have CAN-bus and/or Modbus/RS485 connectivity, does not mean that the manufacturer has done anything useful with it!
It may just be that the inverter allows data from the BMS to be displayed on its App.

You need to think what you want to do with such a suite of hardware and verify that it can be achieved!

Thanks for the reply.

I think I must be missing something. Surely if the battery kit and inverter have the Pylon protocols they must be able to talk to each other in a manner that is required for both to function as they need to ie charging, discharging, percent charged etc all in a safe manner. Not sure what else I'd want it to do? 


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The Seplos BMS and the inverter will indeed communicate with each other and operate safely.
But that might not embrace the full set of features you'd like to implement.

For example, if the BMS has a maximum discharge of 150A, and your chosen inverter can handle 190A (a nominal 8kW), then does the inverter inset its configuration accordingly?
Or does it merely display the "Over-current protection" message when the BMS shuts down?

How does the inverter 'know' that the max current of the BMS is 150A?

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I put the box together today over a couple of hours. Over all, very easy. I noted that the bus bars are now all aluminium and the washers for the cells are now steel Vs copper in the first box.

Below are some images of the build. The biggest hassle was removing the old batteries and cabling from the cupboard which took a while. I put the new battery box in place and installed the cells in situ, it was the easiest way. 

Hooked up the new cables and CAN connection, turned it on and off we go. No complaints. Still need to tidy up the cables and organise things a little bit.


12kW Midea ASHP - 8.4kw solar - 29kWh batteries
262m2 house in Hampshire
Current weather compensation: 47@-2 and 31@17
My current performance can be found - HERE
Heat pump calculator spreadsheet - HERE

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Hi Guys - first time poster here, but I've been reading and following most of these threads since late last year, so massive thanks for all the information and build descriptions.  I've part built a Seplos Mason 15kWh kit and about to install a Sunsynk 5kW inverter next Thursday when my electrician is available, effectively as an AC coupled grid-tied system.  A solar system is to be added when I finally get round to progressing the house renovation (re-roofing and new extension).

@mookyfoo - I've also been looking at 3 phase inverters as I'm looking to install a battery system on my industrial unit (30kWp solar array).  I also looked at Deye, but as Transparent accurately wrote, you won't find them generally in the UK as Sunsynk import them.  I had quotes for a 12kW Deye  from China at 2195USD ex works. 

There is no stock, but I'm being quoted Sunsynk 12kW around £3400, which is quite high.  However, it may interest you in that ITS technologies have another Deye re-brand which is from a Spanish company Turbo Energy - a 10Kw 3 phase version:

There is a special offer I received at £2340+VAT on this, so I might be tempted to get that. 

And on that note, I guess @balalto has enough now, but I've noticed that Fogstar wholesale site have dropped the prices of the Grade B EVE cells, at £85+VAT they seem better value than getting from China and waiting.  I'm looking to make another 5, one more for home use, 4 for the industrial unit.

I can feedback hopefully on Sunsynk+Seplos in a few weeks.



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