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1333 kWhs
Joined: Jan 5, 2023
Last seen: Feb 13, 2024
Topics: 0 / Replies: 206
RE: Connecting Home Assistant to a Midea Heat Pump

I am not sure what you mean by "now uses timestamps", what did it se before? I expect this comment is because you are not aware of the concept of th...

2 years ago
RE: Connecting Home Assistant to a Midea Heat Pump

I think it is disingenuous to not mention all the code that you likely have had to write or hard code to do the following. #1 scale the register val...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

I thought I did put enough context in place with my chart - re posted below. I was showing clearly the COP as labelled for short periods of time. I ...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

I am taking only the COP during my economy 7 cheap rate - so only first[ish] 7 hours of the day, and switched off the hot water. My hot water COP is ...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

The Samsung UI is showing (34/7.4 = COP of 4.60) My data suggests a COP of 5.3. This is about a 15% difference. This could be due to Samsung assumi...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

I agree, that it is quite difficult to avoid cycling when the LWT is low. I will continue to persevere though. With [eventually] 8.5 cubic meters of...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

Yes, but [samsungs figures] at an ambient of 7 and LWT of 35, that is 10 degrees different to my current setup.

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

This is the data coming directly out of the Samsung outdoor unit via modbus. So it is as accurate as the Samsung units. There may be some timing iss...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

I have been trying to get to the bottom of the occasional cycling of my heat pump. Once my heat pump gets to its lowest modulation level, I actually ...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

I am not sure why you would run within a PWM frequency outside the defined operating parameters of the pump. Any particular reason you need 10kHz

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

I know that if you buy and install a samsung gen 6 kit from midsummer wholesale a PWM pump is specified and documented in the quick start guide. They...

2 years ago
RE: 12kW Samsung gen 6 short cycling

That would be outside the documented specs of the Grundfos by quite a margin. I am surprised it worked.

2 years ago
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